Tier list of Horde race/class options based on aesthetics

The tiers are pretty easy; 1 being the best and 14 being the worst option


  1. Orc
  2. Maghar
  3. Tauren
  4. HMTauren
  5. Undead
  6. Zandalari
  7. Troll
  8. Goblin
  9. Earthen
  10. Pandaren
  11. Dracthyr
  12. Nightborne
  13. Vulpera
  14. Blood elf

Death Knight

  1. Undead
  2. Zandalari
  3. Troll
  4. Blood Elf
  5. Orc
  6. Maghar
  7. Tauren
  8. HmTauren
  9. Pandaren
  10. Nightborne
  11. Vulpera


  1. Blood Elf
  2. Zandalari
  3. Tauren
  4. Earthen


  1. Orc
  2. Maghar
  3. Zandalari
  4. Troll
  5. Tauren
  6. HMtauren
  7. Goblin
  8. Pandaren
  9. Vulpera
  10. Earthen


  1. Blood elf
  2. Goblin
  3. Maghar
  4. Orc
  5. Tauren
  6. HMtauren
  7. Zandalari
  8. Troll
  9. Undead
  10. Nightborne
  11. Pandaren
  12. Vulpera
  13. Earthen
  14. Dracthyr


  1. Dracthyr
  2. dysfunctional dragon visage


  1. Undead
  2. Blood elf
  3. Goblin
  4. Pandaren (secretly peak animations)
  5. Vulpera
  6. Nightborne
  7. Zandalari
  8. Troll
  9. Orc
  10. Maghar
  11. Tauren
  12. HMtauren
  13. Earthen
  14. Dracthyr


  1. Zandalari
  2. Troll
  3. Tauren
  4. Hmtauren

Demon Hunter
Night elf demon hunter is just superior… sorry.


  1. Pandaren
  2. Zandalari
  3. Maghar
  4. Orc
  5. Troll
  6. Goblin
  7. Vulpera
  8. Undead
  9. Tauren
  10. HMtauren
  11. Earthen
  12. Blood elf
  13. Nightborne


  1. Nightborne
  2. Blood elf
  3. Undead
  4. Earthen
  5. Dracthyr
  6. Troll
  7. Zandalari
  8. Goblin
  9. Pandaren
  10. Vulpera
  11. Tauren
  12. Hmtauren
  13. Orc
  14. Maghar


  1. Orc
  2. Undead
  3. Blood elf
  4. Nightborne
  5. Goblin
  6. Zandalari
  7. Vulpera
  8. Troll
  9. HmTauren
  10. Tauren
  11. Pandaren
  12. Maghar
  13. Earthen

Holy Priest

  1. Blood elf
  2. Earthen
  3. Nightborne
  4. Zandalari
  5. Troll
  6. Goblin
  7. Vulpera
  8. Pandaren
  9. Tauren
  10. Hmtauren
  11. Orc
  12. Maghar

Shadow Priest

  1. Undead
  2. Troll
  3. Zandalari
  4. Maghar
  5. Nightborne
  6. Goblin
  7. Tauren
  8. Hmtauren
  9. Pandaren
  10. Blood Elf
  11. Vulpera
  12. Earthen
  13. Orc

Honorable mentions

Orc Warrior

Undead Death Knight

Tauren Hunter

Troll Shadow Priest

Blood Elf Paladin

Goblin Rogue

Pandaren Monk

Nightborne Mage

Hmtauren Hunter

Maghar Shaman

Zandalari is honestly peak race with tons of great options, Zandalari dinosaur hunter, Zandalari monk with the Chi eyes, Zandalari Prelate, Zandalari Shadow priest of Bwonsamdi, Zandalari Trolls shamans with raptors… the race is great

Vulpera Rogue

Earthen is kind of a weird race… hard to really put it to a specific class… maybe Warrior; maybe mage cause they are titan(arcane) constructs… maybe even Shaman cause they are rocks


my brain hurts

Now do the top 25 hottest females in Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.


I can do best warcraft models

I feel this needs to depend on tier set. :robot::thought_balloon:

Wasn’t really thinking about armor tbh just class/ race fantasy

Earthen needs to be much higher on the paladin tier list, they can look like freaking Lightforged Dwarves with their golden crystals and silver skin.

Zandalari and Tauren need to be far lower. If Blizzard has to invent a whole sub-order of paladin lore just so you can be a paladin… you’re probably not the best asthetic fit for paladin.


They just don’t outshine Blood elf Blood Knights, Zandalari Prelates, Tauren Sunwalkers.

Like they’re earthen Azeroth robots… okay? Earthen definitely look great as Warriors, Holy Priest and Magi

Trolls are the most religious creatures in Azeroth if any race deserves to be a paladin ( Warrior Priest) it’s Trolls

Then the way a Zandalari Paladin just towers over all the other races, standing tall proud of their god. It definitely beats earthen .

You have Blood Elf near the top on a lot of specs, but dead last on the race options. That seems like an odd discrepancy to me.

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What do you base this on?

You know what- it don’t matter; cuz the correct answer is Goblin. In all things.

Even the classes we don’t use. Rocket Boots> everything. Evah. Ree. Thing.

I would have said vulperan scarf but that’s just me.

How so? Blood elf asthetics are great for Hunter
Holy Priest

For warrior they’re terrible, death knight is ehh, Rogue is middle of the pack they’re better options.

Goblin is great on a lot of is class options. They have rich class/race fantasy


The only weak class fantasy for Goblins is really death knights

Rogue is listed at #2 for BE. Again, while there are specs that don’t fit a BE, for many we are high in the ratings, so how overall do we come out dead last? Not logical. P.S. Wait, I see my mistake. I thought that first list was for race but it’s for Warrior. Woops, I stand corrected. Sorry.

Well, that’s certainly a list. Strongly disagree with Orc over Maghar for warrior, the hunchback look is silly

Pretty good list. Appropriate amount of Vulpera hated. Zandalari rated a bit too high imo but I get it (I just think regular trolls are more fun).

I will say Orc mages actually look pretty sick though.

Orcs have been able to go non-hunchback for quite a few expansions now

God I wish Trolls would get unique animations (or at least colors) for Priests. They’ve got one of the strongest class fantasies with Priests of the Loa and the whole voodoo anesthetic but despite that since classic they’ve just had generic light based animations.

Rogue is #2 for blood elf because the body type 2 blood elf has the best stealth animation in the game.

valid just the horde doesn’t have many great “rogue” options

they arent dead last? they are just deadlast for warrior and shadow priest.

oh youre good bro.

both can go unhunched? the green skin orc warrior just is peak class fantasy

RIGHT??? out of all the races on Azeroth. Trolls are the most religious

I blame Legion entirely for flattening all piests into Light/Madness in order to facilitate the class hall.

Paladins got the same treatment, poor Sunwakers.

Orc DK is BIS

UD looks stupid in plate