Do we have an updated list of what is required for Tier 3 yet? The previous classic versions required Frozen Runes which were in low availability back in the day. Would like to see what it is requiring to acquire these sets. Is the information available publicly yet?
Tier 3 never required frozen runes, just the frost resist gear for sapphiron.
OH thank you for that correction…
But it did require scraps that dropped. So im curious as to how that is being done… as well as if the hides, mooncloth, arcane crystals and such are still being required.
If people don’t have an abundant supply of regular mats by now thats on them especially with multiple crafts per cooldown. As for scraps that drop from the raid, certain types will be scarce especially at the start but unless they are increasing the tokens we get then it should be fine.
That wasnt the question. Im trying to keep this on topic. Im wondering if anyone has seen the information pertaining to the requirements to craft / turn in the quest to get the Tier 3 items.
Already gave them this feedback but gonna do it again, I hope that tier acquirement are more simple just like in MC/BWL where you get tokken and trade for tier. The need for scraps make it terrible for puggers which is a good chunk of the player base.