With how Draconic and Core-Forged was handled, what about a possibility to min-max tier set bonuses for each class like before. Trade in a tier 3 for any set bonus from AQ40, BWL, ZG, MC?
At least mitigate some of the power gate Sanctified only in Naxx does.
If they allowed us to exchange set bonuses while keeping the Sanctified bonus, then this would at least allow more playstyles to thrive rather than pigeonhole everyone into certain playstyles.
And so many of the naxx tier sets are so bad or boring. 25% damage after stacking up a debuff? Bleh. Even aq tier was more fun
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And the thought of T3 being relegated to Naxx while forcing us to keep sets for everything else just sucks. Like no reason to wear Dreadnaught, one of the coolest sets, outside of raid logging.