Tier 2 paladin set remake

Who wouldn’t want a Tier 2 paladin set remake with good textures?


Nighthold Mythic, Sepulcer Mythic are your T2 remake.

I want S11 Elite Paladin remade with 3d pieces. The best paladin looking set in the game.

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Tier 8 for me, I LOVE that set. Update the textures and models and give us a pants version.

I’d love a high res, grander version of tier 5, judgement set has had like 3 different attempts to try and remake it, an unchanged high res verison of it would be rgeat but we do have very very close altrernatives specially now with mythic Sepulcher.

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You 100% have to bring back a HD version of Tier2 in Dragonflight, especially remembering the praise Tier20 got as HD models of Tier6.

Honestly, if I were Blizzard, I would do all tiers 1-8.

But on the realistic end, you have to get approval for these things. It’s time, effort and money spent on artists. So how do you get your boss to approve all this?!

Solution 1 is obviously make the 10.1 Raid Tier HD tier2. Very simplistic, bam one and done.

Solution 2 however, is an epic, EPIC adventure spanning months of content to keep them subscriptions rolling!


  1. The World of Warcraft community teams up with Doctors without Boarders, once again in an Epic Charity Event.
  • Players can go about donating in one of two ways.

    • Players can make direct donations, which are greatly appreciated, or they can purchase all new HD versions of the Tier2 sets for $30 (or whatever) from the game store.

    • All proceeds will go to the Doctors without Boarders Charity Event.

  1. Once a goal of $500,000 has been reached, Blizzard will make Infinite Murklo, a cute infinite murlock pet, avaible for everyone playing modern World of Warcraft as a thank-you.

  1. In addition, if a goal of $1 million is reached, a limited time Dungeon Event will unlock within Modern World of Warcraft.

    • Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Black Wing Decent will have all Time Walking events, spanning 2 months long each. (Or whatever)
  • Completing these three raids will unlock a “Mythic Version” of your HD Tier 2 set. Death Knights, Monks, and Envokers will have new sets provided.*

(Purchase of the HD tier2 not required, this is a separate trangsmog.)

  1. But wait, there’s more! If a goal of $1.5 million is reached, Blizzard will work on creating another Mage Tower event that will reward a Weapon xmog to match your HD tier 2 sets. This is a permeant challenge, that won’t go away in game, much like the current Mage Tower.

So, you get:

  1. To help charity.
  2. HD Tier 2
  3. Infinite Murlock Battle Pet
  4. Epic In game Events rewarding a Mythic Tier2
  5. Awesome challenge modes
  6. Weapon xmog to top it all off

All for the low low cost of a 6 month subscription. Like and subscribe. :slight_smile:


I hope you just know that Tier Set are done very early in the game development?

They even shared the concept art of the first Raid tier while revealing Dragonflight.

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To an extent yea. I’m sure the environment for the 2nd raid (10.1) is being worked on, as well as the ideas and concept for the tiers, bosses, etc.

However, that is still probably 8-12 months out…

I doubt the actual 3Dmodels are being worked on, tier wise, for the 2nd raid tier. So, if an HD tier2 made sense for that raid, it probably is in consideration.

If it’s a charity event, that could always be done separate from the raid design and implemented whenever its ready or makes sense.

Paladins have been fortunate to get tiers that resemble and take inspiration from Tiers 1&2, most notably Nighthold and Antorus. But that doesn’t hold true for all the other classes in game.

Can’t really say, “sorry Warriors, locks, mages, and shamans, can’t do an HD tier 2 because Sepulcher has a Judgement color scheme!”

Amen to this ya heard

I’m not a fan of the dragon flight tier sets they look to close to sep tier sets we have now all futuristic and stuff. They need to make them more class specific

I would love an updated rather than reimagined Judgment set. Take the update to Lightbringer for example. It’s beautiful except for the helm, which just so happens to be the only slot that was reimagined.

Personally I think the art team should go back and update all armor sets and armor pieces and complete armor pieces that are only partially there. Then go through and update the mounts to look modern.

And yea there are armors that have 3-4 pieces that match but not a full set that should be changed they should finish those armors

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Yeah that’s a nice dream you got there. Do you also want the art team to work overtime 60h a week and hate their life and quit their job to work on another company that treat them better?

The task you’re asking is COLOSSAL.

Another well thought out reply. I love reading your posts Rez. I was kinda upset when heroes of the storm came out, and Uther had a updated T2 skin, with 3 recolors. They even have a judgment mount!

I don’t want a Tier 2 remake. Maybe a high res update to the current Tier 2? But, instead of remaking what’s already there give me something new to be excited about. Something along the lines of the Paladin Challenge Mode set.

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How about something new awesome and original? But if not, ulduar set revamp would be great for sure

I would love that, but I would love more is the Marshall plate and armor sets redid … the leather is perfectly themed for DF being dragon skin

Hire more people to work then… You’re just being a miserable argumentative troll.

You’re responding to a two year old post…

Jesus Christ… For all you know they could be dead or worse, not even subscribed