Tier 1 Tokens and 4 of 8 Tier 2 Tokens to be added to the Real vendor

Classic+ is truly dead lmao, I’ll see y’all on OSRS with a dev team that truly cares about the game and the players’ time investment :wave:

Awesome change… Kudos Blizzard… KUDOS!

Can we get pieces like prestors and DFT on the vendor, literally running the instance twice a week every week and seen both items only once. (also boost the drop rate of weapons in AQ40/20, literally seen one silithid claw and one kalimdors all phase, and literally none of the other melee weapons in 2 raids)

Less than 24 hours notice on this change is absolutely wild. My group just finished grinding out the T0.5 quest chain, spent all of our reals on T0 gear and turned in the final quest this morning. This isn’t a change you should be making with literally no notice.

It’s a good change, but you absolutely should have posted about this 2 weeks ago.


Hell yeah good change. Can you add some loot to Hard mode chests in AQ40 next.

I would also like to see this as well, just bought my t2 bracers last night

This is all fine and good but can we put the actual Tier vendors outside the raid instances maybe??

Same, 2days ago…

Seems clear to me this is to unlock the shoulder enchant that will carry on T1 and T2 set bonuses for those who didn’t do the raids.

Core leather dropped from 10 reels to 1 reel each be nice also…

They are also the off pieces to 2.5 so its win win for most people

imagine caring about time investment in a seasonal game mode


Not a popular opinion, but I’ll say it: this is a disgusting change that is only going to be bad for the game in the long-term.

You said you wouldn’t add reals in raids. Then you added it.
You said raid gear wouldn’t be on the vendor. Then you added it.

You say “We do not want to totally invalidate older raid content. We currently have no plans to expand the raid equipment present on the Undermine Real vendor”. But you’ll add it. We all know you will.

This is a great example of that saying “protect the player from themselves”.

When Incursions came out everyone loved it. Tons of gold and fast levels. People were in the honeymoon period. But then people realized how it INVALIDATED levelling and decimated the economy. Now everyone that played back then talks about how bad incursions were for the game and how it tanked player numbers.

The same thing is going to happen here. People are excited to get BIS gear. So they’ll chain run dungeons for a week, gear out then realize there are no goals to chase, no dungeons or raids to run.

This is also going to hurt guild recruitment because why join a guild when you can just gather some reals and get full tier. You don’t need a guild.

This is so poorly thought out. Short-term enjoyment that will lead to long-term problems.

I’ve never agreed with any of the trolls when they parrot “go play retail” in response to some of the changes in SOD. But this is exactly that sort of sentiment. I thought those that are playing SOD want meaningful gameplay where you have to actually play the content to be rewarded, not just buy everything off a vendor after a few hours of work.

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With the changes made I only see increased engagement at all gear levels. You cant get 2.5 right now no ZG gear no AQ gear. No weapon ( HUGE). People will have more to farm on alts with alts increasing (short term) 5 man engagements. Raids will still go for reals and weapons. Over all win changes. Its not even full t2 its only the 2.5 off pieces only overlap is boot. Time limited modes benefit from easier alt gearing but not mindless alt gearing.

Nobody is going care when everyone is in Naxxramas and Scarlet Raid next month. The only raid this kinda invalidates is Molten Core. All the best BWL items and set pieces are still in BWL. You’ll still have 3 relevant raid tiers after this (BWL, AQ, and Naxx/Scarlet).

Finally a reason to run dungeons again.

Though, I still think Reals and Embers should be made to be Bind on Account. I have like 100 Reals…but spread across several characters, with the bulk on ‘the main’. Would be nice to send them all to one character to turn in for gear they badly need (Emerald Warden blues only take you so far!).

…and the Embers, I’ve just been deleting because:
a) Getting a BRD run is next to not happening; might change with this
b) Faster, and way less effort, to just AH flip for coin

Nah, go take a look at the Chitin Armor kits lol. People will still be farming MC to make gold.

you’re probably the type of person who hard reserve and soft reserve items.

Same here man… smh

Can i get a refund on my t2 bracers i bought a few days ago?

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