Since Shaman talents are not set in stone yet I would really love if Blizzard allowed Resto/Elemental to explore more water/storm thematics through becoming a Tidesage. What do y’all think?
I dont think that the name of the hero talents will have that much of an impact.
I’d rather see Hero Talents give us a tanking option.
Better yet, just give us a 4th spec where they can fully flesh out a tank spec.
The name will directly influence what spells are focused on. Such as trees being the focus of Keeper of the grove, And the Elunes chosen focusing on the moon.
What spell do you think “tidesage” will focus on buffing?
Now remember. Hero talents are only looking to effect 1 spell pretty much. So which watery spell does elemental have that it regularly casts that resto does also?
Resto/Ele cross over is a bit tough imo because of how little they share. Between specific spells and just general themes/ schools of magic.
I personally would love them to focus it on storm elemental with updated BFA graphics based on the Tidesage’s water elementals.
So that effects elemental. How does that effect resto?
Sorta what I am trying to get at. When a hero talent effects an ability, they either try to make it an ability both specs use, or an ability within the same theme/school of magic. Unless I missed one.
I’m implying here I want storm elemental for resto as well but with a focus on buffing mana or cast speed for heals
While, as resto, I would love a new healing cooldown. I find that the possibility of “changing storm ele to water ele” for elemental paired with “resto shaman gets a brand new cd” something that is extremely unlikely. I dont think I have seen any other reveals come anywhere close to this.
So yeah, you can definitely would like for this to happen. It just seems to go against everything we know.
They could add a spell like Dark ranger or they can just have two sides to each talent like wildstalker druid. I feel like they can make something work lol
I just personally feel a major cooldown would be a bit much.
If I had to make a guess as to a way to make it work.
Some sorta watery spell. Even if it was like the mini elementals from BFA azerite powers (Echo of the Elementals. " When your Storm Elementalor or Fire Elemental expires, it leaves behind a Spark or Ember Elemental to continue attacking enemies for 30 seconds.")
Its not a cooldown, just a small dps ability and it has a chance to…i dunno. Automatically spread riptide / flame shock.
So you can summon a mini water elemental. Lets just say 30s cd, lasts 20 seconds. It echoes attacks/heals on your target. And its attacks/heals has a high chance at spreading Riptide/Flameshock.
Not perfect. Would need stuff like PTC looked at on resto side maybe.
Edit : The easiest way would probably be adapting P Wave to be a Watery Wave and lean harder into that, but it wouldnt have a water ele side kick I was trying to stick with.