Tides of Vengeance Arrives December 11

Remain unsubbed.


Yet you are here, curious

Donā€™t need a sub to post here. Iā€™m patiently waiting for Classicā„¢ next summer.


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Ah classic, I was there I remember it , all too weeel. And it kinda sucked hehe

There was definitely stuff that sucked. However, IMO, doesnā€™t come close to how much retail sucks. Iā€™ll take Classicā„¢ over BfA.


Agreed, Iā€™d take BfA over Vanilla anyway.

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Battle for Darkshore, without question!!!

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sense I have yet ben exalted with silver moon on Blood elf. I still find it weird on how long I have played him a nd not be exalted. I might try to get him exalted. I donā€™t know yet. I like to take things slow. Plus to me there not enough interesting in the next patch. That just me.
In long run I might just continue to level or do that saurfang quest line. I planned on doing it on alt for saurfang just for the story. then on my main doing for war chief. Just because I do not like saurfang lore wise. He make a horrible war chief based on lore I read.

No mount, just armor. It Heritage Armor, not an allied race.


Legion from 7.3 I levelled almost all my alts, prepped their order halls, got lots of class mounts and pets, mogs, etc.

Now Iā€™m already sick of not flying, rolling my eyes at gold rewards and rep blocks, and wondering how worthwhile itā€™d be to level alts in preparation for the inevitable money train.

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Iā€™m going to log in on one of the many alts that I want to level, hop on my flying mount, and fly around leveling at least one of every class to max level. Oh wait, no Iā€™m not. Iā€™m going to log into that same alt, and get frustrated at the monotony of killing tons of random mobs Iā€™ve killed 100ā€™s of times before on my other toons. Then Iā€™ll try to just run to the quest, aggro 15 mobs that follow for 2 miles, die, then log right back out.
Gripe about flying aside, I am looking forward to the new warfront, and the class changes to some of the weaker specs that badly need it.

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sorry that was so true it funny. I never understood why yo can agro something for long distance.

Do the Darkshore scenario.
Angrily grieve.
Go kill Sylvanas a few dozen more times & WPvP across Darkshore for additional retribution (again).

Thatā€™s just the beginning. Thereā€™s heaps more to do. Plus ah ā€¦ Winterā€™s Veil as well :christmas_tree:

Obtain BElf heritage armor on that respective character