Tides of Vengeance Arrives December 11

Yeah, basically.

I am really looking forward to the new warfront.

My sub runs out Jan 4th. I have 0 will to play this game. Unfortunately my sub was recurring and just renewed itself a day ago when I was out of the house, so that mistake is 100% on me. Really wish I was unsubbed right now and not giving Blizzard my money.

I don’t believe they deserve it after coming out with the most atrocious expansion of all time, and 8.1 isn’t nearly enough to fix that.


What happened to your avatar?

Oh hey look at that, it only took 5 months to get here. Wonder why it took so long ? Oh never mind, their best are working on wow pokemon go for mobile.


Probably still do what im doing now, just log in for raids

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Nothing, because the real content doesn’t come out until January 22nd. Then the stuff I really want [Zandalari] doesn’t come out until waaay later. So, canceling my sub and playing ESO until then. Later suckers!


-log in
-get heritage armor for sindorei
-NEVER take it off

Lmao you are just great.

Not one damn thing since none of the changes to Guardian did anything to fix us. Was going to resub, if Guardian had of been fixed. So will just not hit the resub button I guess, and let my last six days run out after patch. Guardian needed better mitigation, not the garbage they did.


Dailies on Pandaria, Draenor, and Broken Isles. Looking forward to Legion LFR and double rep for Paragon chests.

unbsub to this pos


What is being released is of little interest to me.

New Warfront? Didn’t enjoy the first one.
New cosmetic armor? whatever.
New Islands? LOL!
New pet battles? LOL!!!

That’s a whole lot of fail.

Our guild just went into hibernation for raiding, very few people sign in anymore. A friend of mine sent me an invite to try out Final Fantasy (never have so far), I’m going to do that. Almost nothing for me to do.


better then selfie camera that we got in WoD patch.


That was truly epic fail.

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Well at least you could go back and do old content and the classes felt good.


I’ll get my dwarven armor, I’ll checkout the new warfront, if it doesn’t make world quests completely obsolete I’ll do world quest for gear. War campaign if the story is good and the time gating isn’t too bad. Perhaps Island expeditions if they are as improved as Preach said in his video.

We don’t. Breathing is for chumps.

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Probably gonna start leveling a Hunter or finishing off my Warlock, those XP changes can’t come sooner!

The first thing I’m going to do is go get my heritage armor.