Ticket wait time currently? (Resolved)

Hi, just wondering what the average wait time on a ticket is atm ?

It depends. I believe most billing and account tickets are about a day-ish? General inquiries/issues, 1-2-ish? Appeals may be longer than those, due to GMs having to go through the logs and such.

May I inquire what your issue is? If it’s outside of billing or things involving your private information, or appeals - we can try and help negate the need for the ticket if we can?


I have 2 accounts, 1 active and 1 not , i want to re-sub to my main account (currently inactive)
I opened a ticket to ask blizz for a few days game time so i can log in and check all my chars for gold, see if there is gold in my guild bank or borrow off a fellow guild member to buy a token.
Opened a ticket 2 days ago in the accounts section.

Recently they’ve not been doing this as much, but occasionally have done.

If it’s retail, then if you have enough gold on all characters on a server, the character select screen should give you the option to resub using that gold. However, I don’t believe it counts gold in guild banks, so if that’s where you have gold you would have to wait and see if they give you time.

ETA: I can’t remember if it counts gold in mailboxes. Someone else here will know. If it does, then if you’re in contact with guildies outside game, they could mail you gold. Just as a warning, a lot of folks have been getting actioned for receiving gold that came from bad sources. So be sure anyone who mails (edit: or trades) you gold got it legitimately, not by buying it from non-Blizzard sources.

Response times vary, depending on the issue. Most contacts are being addressed within 2-3 days with more low priority generic contacts a bit more than that.


Oh so if a guildy could withdraw from the guild bank or personally mail me gold, this will work aslong as its sitting in the mail?
If so thats awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t remember for sure if it uses gold in mailboxes. I am sure someone who does know will be along soon though. :slight_smile: Lots of people here more knowledgeable than I.

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I THINK that it works on Retail. I do not think gold in the mail works on Classic.

If your Game Time has expired, you can purchase and consume a WoW Token directly from the character select screen. Each character on the selected realm will contribute gold to the price of buying the WoW Token, including gold in characters’ mailboxes.


Awesome cheers , and yes its retail, now fingers crossed theres money in the bank or my guild mates are rich.


My ticket says 7 days. I put it in on Tuesday, so still more wait time.

I guess mine is low priority.

Do you have a ticket number? Sounds like you may not have fully put one in.

Yes. I have checked on it several times… still open. In game, I have the little icon that says “You have an open ticket”. Average ticket wait time: 7 days 16 hours.

That is an estimated time based on the oldest ticket in the system. It’s not the specific wait time for YOUR ticket.


At one point, it was up to 9 days 25 minutes. It changes all the time.

Yes, it flluctuates as it is an estimate that changes with the oldest tickets in the system.

Like I offered for OP - if you’d like to share your issue, we can try and help if at all possible, or even make sure you’ve put your ticket in the most optimal path.

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Well I think it’s hopeless at this point. I did the Superbloom on Tuesday when it was giving Adventure level blue rewards. My monk got the boots which was her last item to get to complete the zone 463 gear. But… the boots are not able to be upgraded to 463.

I know that something was giving season 4 level gear and was adjusted back to season 3. My question was could they adjust the incorrectly dropped gear to the Emerald Dream level veteran rewards for the Superbloom quests.

Simple request as this is the FIRST time the boots have dropped for her and she has done the weekly quests there since the zone opened up. It was the most disapointed I have been in a long time.

Sorry to say but, GMs don’t adjust, trade or alter drops. If something seems like a bug, then it’d better suited to report it as a bug.


Happy to say my ticket was resolved over night, thanks for all the help.


I posted my ticket 7 days ago and I’m still waiting.

I’m afraid that with the new Retail patch, there is probably a spike in GM tickets.

Plunderstorm has turned into Ticketstorm.