Ticket wait letter icon moved to center of screen

after 10.26 launched my open ticket waiting icon has moved from where it was in the bottom right out of the way to the very center of my screen and cannot be moved. I have contacted elvui support and they do not believe its on their end. Can anyone help me out getting this moved out of the way. I would like to keep my ticket open as its an important separate issue.

I see that it has moved to the center as well with ElvUI loaded, but I don’t see it all the time.

That icon is linked to the Micro-bar, which I have set to ‘Mouseover’ in ElvUI, so the only time I see the ticket icon in the center is if I mouseover where I have the Micro-bar positioned. I don’t know if this is a solution for you, but it will keep it out of your line-of-sight.

I do think the issue is on Blizz’s side as there have been other UI issues since the latest patch dropped.

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ty will give that a whirl

I set the micro bar to disabled, since I rarely use it anyway, and that resolved this issue until the bug is fixed.

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I have the same issue (also using Elvui). Setting the micro bar to mouseover made the ticket wait icon disappear. Mousing over the bar makes it reappear. What an odd little issue to have post-patch…