Ticket: 3 days of waiting

The wait times sure are excessive, but what would you expect? I bet they have already fired most of their GM staff years ago to pay for yet another yatch for Bobby.

On the hand, when they finally adress the issue they usually solve your problems fairly quick.

Lol… I’ve been silenced hella times and lost TL3 like… 3 times now.

And yet I can do this:

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I heard you actually can’t post on GD ever again, and get sent to Alternate GD with all the other scumbags that can’t follow the rules. Of course, this means that now everyone is on Alternate GD, so there’s a tertiary Alternate Alternate GD for when you get silenced.

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There was an issue at one point with access to the Beta forums. They created a group so they could flag that whole group with access permissions.

This is the group json file https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/g/b-license-145.json

The member count is 165056.
→ grant_trust_level null

While there are some people who have manual TL3 like MVPs and staff, most people do not and from what I can tell that Beta group does not grant perma TL3 either.

If I look at my own json file it has groups for TL0, TL1, TL2, TL3, and Beta group.

If you look at the code you can see which memberships grant flags for trust.

It does. Because I had it on my other account. I got sanctioned quite a few times and every time I came back, I still had TL3. So it must just keep you at whatever TL you’re currently at and not change it, because I had TL3 before beta.

Hmmmmmm. Interesting…

Well now you know six, I have lost and re-earned it twice since it was added. Once after I was a part of the SL beta testing.

Not being ridiculous just telling you as it is. Just because your feelings got a little hurt doesnt mean they should drop everything theyre doing and focus on your case. Newsflash for you, youre not the center of the universe.

Id rather have CS focus on game stuffs rather than some snowflake’s hurt feelings. Blocking and ignore option is there for a reason.

Judging from how impatient you are and how you keep insisting youre being harassed, i can assume youre the type who wants attention.

Its only been 3 days ffs, not like its been a month of no response. Do you know how many players play the game and a lot of them probably has more important issues than just being offended by someone in game.

no, you haven’t.
you’re being straight up dishonest if you’re unwilling to provide screenshots.
…and the only thing you seem to have mentioned, is forum activity… not in game issues requiring GM action.

sure i am.
i’m helping by showing that people like you have an agenda.

…well that’s a nice chunk of irony right there, isn’t it.

not something which a GM can help with.

Is there some reason why you don’t want to show your original ticket?

regardless, you seem to continue to keep ignoring the fact that your ticket was asking for something which a GM can’t help with.
So what was the point of the ticket?

i feel like someone already told you that. :upside_down_face:

they send people to websites to get their answers, but people don’t want to believe the answers they’re given.
THIS is why ticket times are so long.
How many times did you re-open that ticket?
3 or 4 times?
…for something which is out of the hands of GMs.


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I feel like you intentionally ignore the whole story just to make yourself look better

Guess you missed the GM spouting wrong facts and denying bugs existence

Good luck dude

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as you should know, humans are wrong sometimes.

the point is, there was nothing a GM could do.
you were wasting the time of multiple GMs, and everyone in the queue, by opening the ticket to begin with… and then continuing to re-open it.

Don’t feed people who are here exclusively to wind others up. Report and ignore.

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I don’t think they do. The few times I’ve created a ticket, it conveniently gets answered shortly after I log off. It could be coincidence and I could believe it if it were once or twice but 3+ times draws skepticism.

This is a lie.

You can get it back but you have to start over.



What kind of ticket did you submit? :laughing:

I’ve never submitted anything ticket wise other than “Yo, my gear vanished” stuff like that.

Be happy you didn’t have to wait 7 days.

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Do they not have computers?

there is no response to those anyway - OP makes a ticket saying ‘x’ has been harassing me. What is there for blizzard to say except we will look into it.

If you were being harassed in a store, and you complained to an employee. The employee wouldn’t just tell you “we will look into it.”

They would assist you until the harassment was ended or explain why it isn’t harassment.

We are customers in a store.

No it’s not. Because I never lost my TL3 when I was vacationed because of the way they set up the beta forum users. Our trust levels were kept because of how they set us up when they had an issue with permissions for that forum. So whatever your trust level was, you didn’t lose it upon being vacationed.

I’m willing to go out on a limb and take a guess at who the op is… and if it’s who I think it is, they seem to have an awful lot of issues with “harassment”.
…the store clerk can only explain a thing so many times.
The customer isn’t always right.

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