Tichondrius Horde Reconnections

I just wanted to holler at a sexy tauren female~

Tauren female for life.

Flowerbridge, rank 12 troll shaman. was in “Kupo” then “T A O”

Kyootie, sexiest tauren female rank 14 High Warlord warrior of “T A O”

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Hey man! Been a long time. Add me on bnet. Kvz#1700

PhillyBlunt - Tauren Warrior

Guild leader - Napalm Enforcers
brief stints raiding MC and ZG. We werent very good lol and didnt last long

Twelveletter UD Priest

I remember Kupo

This is Hexxum/Jarlaxyl. I remember both of you, and I still play with Gankorade. I am actually talking to him right now, lol.

Only Maldazzar-approved clicker of crystals in aq20… by far your best title, my friend

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Miss u T. thecoldone#1453

Where is careface? I need a recording of the song he wrote about me.

Man I miss The Dark Souls, we need boxical, dirty, Nuru, zalazane, Impatience, immortalis, bonefreeze, Gyrm, and my memory fades.

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Ah yes Teriyaki the first priest with that crazy Benediction staff? If Hoang (sorry if i mispelled and Tholux) and others read this, hello!

Lepuracy UD Priest

I can’t remember the guilds I was in or all the characters I once played back then and into TBC or WOTLK. But if you remember me hit me up.

Where the hell are you rolling, Tab?

Edit: Whitemane?! Yesssssss west coast best coast


Im looking for a bunch of players that started out on deathwing, these members were from the guilds Pretty pink Pwnies, and Raiding rainbow/slash cry…

the guild I was in, Raiding rainbow, left deathwing right before BC, and went to tichondrius… notable names… Loade(lock), Fluke(warrior) Caal(warrior), Asclepius(priest), sirix(mage), jaina(mage), just to name a few…

if you guys see this… or know these fine gents… find me in game… Ph4z3r#1896
ive gotten in contact with Drey, and we’re gonna be playing on Herod, horde…


did you originate on deathwing… I am looking for insurrection members… from deathwing!! LMK… thanks!

My new guild is rolling on Whitemane as well! Are you playing Alliance/Paladin again?

Oh snaps I remember Slowdeath, we were in a guild together for a while :smiley:

How could I resist a “I’m on Whitemane” joke, like why is there even any other servers

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Stella, Undead Warrior.

The Rabble / Hordes Edge / Bloodshot , briefly played on a few alliance guilds.

Anyone I played with back in the day. Mogragesh. Tappa, Renew / Cleanse , Silentin, Dartan, just to name a few off the top of my head. Anyone that I might have played with in Slack in WOTLK that was also playing in vanilla/BC (looking at at you Storng)

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Hello All.

Undead Priest
Grim Vengeance

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