Hey there, Gamers!
S1 8/8M NP
We are Already Taken, currently 8/8H LOU,1/8M LOU. As we push for further progression, we’re looking to expand our ranks with skilled and dedicated players who are ready to take on the challenges ahead!
What We Offer:
A friendly and supportive community
Regular raid nights with a focus on progression
Mythic+ groups and other activities
A chance to grow and improve together
What We’re Looking For:
Players with a solid understanding of their class and role
Availability during our raid times MON/WED/THURS 6pm-9pm PST
A positive attitude and a willingness to learn
Mythic experience is a plus, but we’re happy to consider exceptional players of all backgrounds!
Current Needs: (All specs with a solid off-spec is always a plus)
Healer: Resto Druid, Holy/Disc Priest and or MW Monk with a strong off-spec is preferable
DPS: Mage (Frost/Fire), and or Evoker (Dev)
Tanks: FULL
If you do not see your class on here does not mean we wont look at any applicant we always are looking for exceptional players
If you’re ready to embark on this adventure with us,
Please reach out VIA:
Recruiting Officer- Bnet: Seaturtle#1629 or Discord Seaturtleez17.
GM- Bnet: Matheney#1544 or Discord Matheney#4526.
See you in the raid!
Already Taken