I’ll be playing on Whitemane alliance
Those were the days.
I think I remember you Musty. When’d you join IRT?
Well, look who it is! I already rolled Horde on Fairbanks with Kyouko (Cocoa?), and Scmiro. We will keep an eye out for you.
Fairladyz! Good to see your still around. Hope all is well!
Allessia - Human Warrior- Recoil
A lot of us from IHB will be Alliance on Whitemane. What are you gonna be going?
oh man Edwice! You still talk to Rumagio?
Holy cow! Matt Crum! It’s Sutera
Karnigan - Night Elf Warrior - Black Dawn
Crum, add me on battle.net @ Suutera#1972 (2 u’s)
Yeah dude. He’s also planning to play Whitemane alliance
add me, yungpiccolo#1885
- cneal/cadillak
Gprime - Night Elf Hunter - Threat
Will be playing Horde on Whitemane coming Monday. Reddo (rogue) and Virgil (paladin) from Threat are playing there as well.
Fedeamore- Formally Human Priest, now Night Elf- The Shadow Crusade/Wudan/Bipolar
I mostly played in Burning Crusade, but if any of my old guildies are here, I miss you guys!<3
Christelle - Paladin / Lynnia - Druid
Fifty One Fifty / Indecency / Overkill / Insomnia
Cool I got my name reserved on that server, feel free to add me on btag as well SuperChair#11610.
P.S. Does edwic or wishd still play?
So long ago, I server transferred over, IRT was just running MC at the time I believe.
Karujar/Gankorade - Insomnia
Don’t know if or where i’ll play classic, but you can find me on retail anytime.
I remember your name!
I was a member of The Shadow Crusade too. Metalsteeler, Night Elf Druid! I can’t remember if I talked much back then though haha.