Tichondrius Alliance Reconnections

Justice - Paladin - Black Dawn

(Also Lunarstalker - Hunter - Black Dawn).

Used to run with Steelballa, Harley, Brimley and many many other great folks. planning on going Alliance on Herod this go-round and would love to hear from some of the old gang even id we do not play together.

Rakaka - Undead Mage from sub bench of The Core. RIP Vash and I waiting outside of BWL for The Cores first Nef kill… :smiley:

Karra - Night Elf Flag Running Druid. I helped Orth crossover from horde to Alliance with my alt AH account… Some didn’t know that back then… :smiley:

Missevo/Murlin/Duffie - Gnome/Human/Worgen/Dwarf… race changes for different reason from BC to Now <3 lol

Anyhoo Still on Tich if yall need a lift <3

Switch that faction up and I’d be happy to come along again - hope to see you in BGs otherwise!

E: Hol up, we talkin’ AZ crew?

BIgjunk -Mage/Rogue

Yep, AZ crew is in full swing. Add me on Bnet and i’ll get you in the discord to drop in and say hi - Boosh#1632

Aroonxfs - Warrior - I Heart Bunnies

We have a few of us from the old crew in a discord if any of you find this message, message me.

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Fix that for ya Brent

Priscylla Most Wanted

Selfish - Gnome Rogue - Forgot the guild I was in but SwordFury was the guild leader

Jania, NE Hunter - Threat
Looking for Alderis, if they are still playing.


Moonwind, night elf hunter - Was in < Ages > for a while. I was there when we were cascading MC and retrodruid came into our vent hysterical about what we were doing to their lockout and arlanil (our gnome mage guild leader? (also, spelling?)) had to take her to another channel to talk her down. Was super awkward raiding that night. I remember having to chain pull to the tanks to clear MC really fast hehe.

I remember we had deals with a horde guild for azuregos+kazzak to wipe ally raids that werent us and then we get an attempt, then they get an attempt (and if a different horde guild got the tap we would wipe them). I remember we were the most hated guild on the server. I don’t think i was with ages past BWL. I vaugley remember being in a guild with a night elf hunter named selene after that?

I remember PvPing with Wishd (night elf rogue from notorious) and edwice/edwic a lot. So if any of you are reading this, i’d be down to camp western plague lands more with you guys :smiley: I might have been in F e a R for a while as well.

Also anyone remember Tab, the king of ironforge? Or cireth? :slight_smile:

Oh can’t forget kalthrus, or WoE-Talon from warcraft 3, hit me up!

The cascade with retrodruid… I remember I had to go “help” them one week on my main. What a nice guild we were sending me to give them pointers.

Then the rest of the week was unforgettable server drama. Vanilla was truly a different time

I had the ‘honor’ of raiding with Retrodruid as my guildmaster. What a rollercoaster ride. I was one of the two DPS warriors she stole the Eye of Sulfuras from because she deemed it to be a ‘Druid Weapon’. Unforgettable memories.
Allessia - Human Warrior - Recoil


Lol. I forgot about Retrodruid and that infamous story.



Damn. Sorry to hear that
I’m Facebook friends with Ddudizzle! If she didn’t ninja that, i never would have played with him :o

Generation - Male NE Rogue … I was the first ninja looter of the server, I ninja’d the purple sword “Destiny”. Good times!

Barbarossa - Human Paladin - Easy Company (AQ Stages) & Fooly Cooly (Early Stages)

Gnome Warlock
Incident Response Team

What’s up Rath and Tany?

Duins Human Paladin - I Heart Bunnies