Have many many logs, some good most tragic, been struggling to look for a guild that is serious about mythic prog this tier
Can’t post links, Borkwizard-Tichondrius on WCL. Won’t show our very cringe prog logs from Terros, think they might be private. But I can tell you I have not died a single time that a wipe was not called, I just want to prog mythic with people who are serious about actually getting kills
Hi there! Are you open to transferring? I am with on Stormrage-Alliance. We raid Tues/We’d 6pm-10pm pst. We are 8/8 H and 3/8 M. Our main goal is to push for CE while also having fun and cultivating a chill/non toxic environment. If you wanna chat more about it feel free to hit me up on discord. Tellykinns#1491
Hi Borkadin,
Current progression: 4/8 Mythic and 8/8 Heroic Vault.
Death Jesters, a 17 year old raiding guild would love to have you apply! We’re an old-school guild that has been a robust and thriving community with our sister guild, Zeroes to Heroes.
We have always prided ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded mythic guild. We have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs
While nowhere as hardcore as we used to be, we are pursuing CE on a 2 day raid schedule for Dragonflight.
The team’s desire is to go back to CE for Dragonflight and make some great progress in S4. We’ve had the same leadership for 17 years with players that are multi Hall of Fame, CE, and even those that are newer to mythic raiding.
We raid:
Fridays & Saturdays 11:00pm-2:00pm EST.
If you’re interested or looking for more information, feel free to message any Death Jester officer: Sparty (BattlenetID and Discord: Sparty#1780), Mathian (BattleNet ID: Matloc#11342)
APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/w8guAWConqGwGQZ1A
our guild is 4/8 M, with first night of Kurog attempts ~20% hp.
we raid Weds+Thurs 8PM-12AM EST
if you’re interested you can find more info in our thread here
or you can contact me directly @ battletag hero#1272
Still looking for guild? we’re currently 2/8M with Terros going down this weekend so you can give those logs another shot We raid sat/sun 7-10pm CST
Disco: Carb#7193