the Zord people! I remember you guys! Duelturbo(warrior one of the tanks in forgotten horde/empire) here! also known as bomberman played alot with lamaya/gajing.
swiftzord! also MF ANTIDEATH?!? Its Duelturbo/bomberman here!
Duelturbo - Orc warrior
Forgotten Horde: Main tank for awhile
Forgotten Empire: Bomberman Mage
discord: Twinturbo313#4046
Still gaming with the original crew, Lamaya/Gajing, Ivanubacak, blubles, few others. we are rerolling horde on Classic on PVP server Fairbanks, gonna be pvp heavy with pve.
Feel free to reach out!
discord: Twinturbo313#4046
Kellum - Undead Rogue
Forgotten Empire
Storm / Katilla I know you boys are out there. Hit me up!
@Kellum - Talking to Katilla, don’t know if he’s coming back but I’ll point him in this direction
Same, sent him a link to the thread. He said he just bought a new computer so we can hope!
He came in the thread but isn’t able to post due to not having an active sub. Not sure how to get you guys in touch with each other.
Oh hey, I remember Sadisticc.
Rippar/Crizap from No Contest/DOG.
Rolling on Herod Horde as an undead rogue (Pete).
See you there boys!
Hey, this is Lamerdev from Choplet Brotherhood, I used to play with you and your brother, Chris (Kerenda / Uden) in late vanilla / early BC. I kept playing with him through WOTLK, still stay in touch with him via Facebook.
He said he’ll play casually as well, what realm you guys planning on playing?
I remember Demo, Bellous, and some of these other names.
Toon: Kagutsuchi, Mage
Guilds: Eternal Darkness then FedEx
Infekt/Enfekt - DK
Former member of Hall of Legends. LF Tantalius, Oxy, and Holy!!!
VIC! No way, this thread is nuts. Do you remember a couple kids Sneaksniper and Dangermantom?
Gigglesworth - Undead Rogue
Kept my head down and was basically invisible, but raided constantly. Can’t remember the name even, but we did MC/BWL/AQ40 (up to Twin Emps)/Naxx (2-3 bosses). One of our other rogues was a Troll that had Thunderfury but beyond that don’t remember a lot of details unfortunately
Jaroon, Troll Mage
Guilds: No Contest, Impact, several others I can’t remember.
Rolling Undead Mage Jaroon and Dwarf Paladin Shields on Mankrik
Toon: Horror
Eternal Darkness from Pre MC to Mid AQ
Gona pick up again when vanilla launches whos playing and where?
Hey Cryamora! I was in geezers from hell during TBC and Wrath! I’d love to meet up on discord and see if there is anyone there that I used to play with. Add me, Kija#3157
Kija - Undead Mage
If we played together back in the day, hit me up! My disc is Kija#3157
Was the rogue Zolass?
These names sound familiar… you guys by any chance play in MoltenCoreSwimTeam once upon a time? With Osidirah, Dano etc? I played Mochalatte shaman back in those days.