Bozu was an f’n beast in pvp back in the day. That’s crazy you mentioned him because I just thought about him. My rogue Shivetta and my brother’s Hunt Baraxus used to clash with those guys in Warsong premades all the time. Epic battles.
Yeah, man. Premades in the early PVP days were great. And all the world boss battles we had.
As stated above in Varrans post we will be Alliance on Faerlina with Herod as a backup. With Sinnehh as our whipping boy, and a possible Turtle Tabard.
Hi friends,
Uyles here - gnome rogue from Xeno, Kali Swarm, and…my memory is garbage so don’t remember what else. Played on TLord from 3 months after launch through the end of WoTLK - did a lot of raiding & PvP.
I recognize a lot of people that have posted above. So many memories!
yo add me dog its Jupiter
Enkidu, check out Vampira and Varrans post for server information! Feel free to add my battle tag and we can connect further on details!
What up Shank, its Calyx the druid here. Remember me moonfire spammin ya in duels in thelsamar before our raids haha?
Hey all, I played a Human Mage who was primarily in Incultus for the entire time I played vanilla. I’d like to reconnect with my old guildmates if anyone from Incultus is playing again that actually remembers me:
If any of you see this or anyone else who remembers me sees this, hit me up
Human Warlock Vania was in the guild Cobra Kai Dojo!
Wow, i still love you 15 years later.
Yea dunno how many of us Carebears are left… Great guild name when we used to Dominate BG’s tho (5 Cappin AB all Day). I’m still undecided if I wanna focus on PVE or PVP this time around. Still trying to find a few of the OG’s of the guild but not getting any luck finding them. Soldiers of Light might be the best bet for most of us in the end or the other top Veteran guilds forming up.
Showtime was here
Sinneh the NE rogue that used to duel me all the time? Hi Vampy good memories with this guild Miss you all Hope you remember me I was like Arvoreens personal Rogue bodyguard/sidekick lol
Hey all, I played on Thunderlord back in Vanilla. Dwarf Pally named Therendog and Human Warrior named Melynn. I was in a few guilds along the way such as Tamales, Angry Beavers and mostly Enraptured. Grouped with many along the way on my warrior on my way to Field Marshal and helped many people get Grand Marshal.
Planning to roll Alliance on Faerlina, and am running a guild. Feel free to message me if you remember me and want to hook up!
Hey its Asher. Played as a paladin for awhile. My memory is really fuzzy from that far back but wasnt carebears led by Pharis? Still in touch with the guys from nerdcraft that I joined up with later. Benjamin is also around but I havent heard from him in a few years. Candyapple is still out there too =D
I plan on playing with a new group but given the 40 man raids I’ll keep you posted on where I end up. I’ll do a search for old footage, not sure if i have any from that far back but ben might.
Anyone hear about from Judah, Simeon, etc??
Showtime was here
i remember you! and a few other people on your list. brings back memories~!!! <3
I’m trying desperately to get the original ISOLLATOR to play but he wont budge.
I mean who wouldnt want to grind out grand marshal twice?
i can confirm he is still alive and Dum.
My memory is bad but I vaguely recall your name…i’m guessing from pvp. This is Asher. Benjamin and I would pvp all the time outside of raiding not sure if we were teamed up with you are racing against your group for grand marshal status.
I don’t remember most of Vanilla, but was in The Mediocre Men toward the end of it with Applemask, Exare, Siddel and Varran. Still got some chars in there. Was also in Carebears, We’re Not That Good, SFC Alliance, and a handful of other guilds. Some of those may not even be Vanilla guilds.
Hurturpride (Paladin)
Braun (Hunter)
Dominique (Priest)
Kishmojin (Warlock)
Arganos (Rogue)
Dudders (Druid)
Blastoff (Mage)
Playing with a bunch of people on Faerlina.