Thunderlord Alliance Reconnections

That isn’t a very nice thing to say


Taborwin-Human Pally. Started in Kindred Spirits, moved on up to SoL. Most everyone probably knows me as Sevani-goat sham. Or some other derivative of Sev. Ive come and gone, been “hacked” off the server, quit multiple times but always have come back to TLord. Ive seen a few familiar faces. Jacen for sure. Vamp. Varran who should be a bald dorf. Shank. Cant wait.


Oh Thunderlord, the memories. I main’ed a dwarf hunter named Grimkell, that is about all i can remember though lol. I know i did MC ZG and AQ Ruins nothing fancy.

Played a Dwarf Paladin named Valhala with Soldiers of Light for years. Really hoping most of the old band can get back together and have some good times again.


My favorite Valhala memory is Unstable Affliction :slight_smile:

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Val loves to have people catch Meteors.

Edit: this is jacen. I don’t post on here at all so idk why it keeps changing the characters it’s posting as… lol Battletag: JediBowflex#1683

Taborwin!!! Dude!! I was so hoping to see you again! I’m debating playing a holy paladin this time around BECAUSE of you. Hit me up on man! My gamer tag is up in one of my previous posts to Vampira. Not at a computer at the moment to write it here. Add me!

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Sent you a friend request Jacen, my gamer tag is Mignon#1445

Hello Thunderlord,

Back in the day, I used to play a paladin named Amonra. In vanilla, I raided MC-Naxx with the guild called Schism (worst guild ever), as well as PvPing my way to Marshal rank.

In BC, I joined another guild called The Mediocre Men. There I became Applemask’s personal slave while raiding through Kara-Sunwell (with some breaks in between).

My battletag is Isoprene#1871, feel free to add me if you recognize the name.

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I’d like to know what server you guys create on aswell

Hi. Xqwzt, NE druid. Started in resisted at the beginning of TBC, SOL for a little bit then TMM til the end of wrath basically. Kbyethx


Heyo, it’s Angelzor, the human priest from Angry Beavers until we started lots of drama and joined Incultus. Haven’t played seriously since wrath.

People I’m looking for:
Anyone from Incultus
Bosu (Horde troll rogue)

People joining me on Faerlina in Classic:

Hey…Clippy. My Btag is Yorien#1626. I keep trying to link up with you in discord but it doesn’t seem to be working. A good rl friend of mine who used to run with us in KO is rolling horde with 15 other friends on Thalnos server. I was considering running horde too. It would be a serious change but a new challenge too. Worst case scenario, I may roll on both servers. We’ll see which will get the most attention though.

Oh, Salvo#1813 if you want to add me

Misticite - Gnome Mage
Ctop/AARP - Dwarf Priest

I remember you guys!!

Left before the end of BC. I’ll be back, but I can’t think of a server.

What server are y’all going to play on?

For anyone interested, we’re planning to play Alliance on Faerlina with Herod as a back-up.

Sinnehh will always be late to raids, though, as he cannot spell Faerlina and therefore will always get stuck at character selection.

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Gawd, Horde. LOL I tried the horde side twice… switched back both times! Guess I’m an ally at heart. Got your BTag vite, ty. Your RL old KO friend, would I remember him? Tell him to come hang with us too! :slight_smile: KO Allies on Whitemane!

He was a druid on our guild. Omin. You might remember him. He came around when we were running AQ 20s. Not sure how much I’d like horde either because I’m definitely alliance at heart for sure. But I am willing to give it a go with friends of course. I’ll definitely be on Whitemane though. You can bet on that.

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