Thunderlord Alliance Reconnections


Main Character: ANZIO
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Defenders of Gnomeregan

Folks used to play with:

  • Dunric
  • Mazzy
  • Miatch
  • Ironmonkey
  • Pritza
  • Logo
  • Lupino
  • Ameroct
  • Nikkita
  • Chalupa
  • Nyphistra

matchyous! its skeram! not stallag! come play with us :slight_smile: add me on real id its on a few of my posts prior

Making a character there now! I added you, see you guys later tonight. :smiley:

Juelz!!! Its been a minute.

Does anyone have a discord setup? If so hit me up at Fallhunter#1483 on bnet

Updated top post. We are looking to go to the new servers tomorrow, which ever is EST.

I think a big group of people are going to Skeram. The group I’m working with is going to go with the new servers opening tomorrow to try to avoid queues but I think that means we won’t be playing with a lot of TL people unfortunately.

Thunderlord, best Server. Period.
Back in the days, I played a Human Warrior named Aeddan, and a mage callled Wenna.

At the end of Vanilla, I was in the guild xeno, part of the raid progression group during end of vanilla, and all of TBC.
(Edit: I thought it was end of vanilla, but after finding some old screenshot. I was there for MC, BWL and AQ with xeno. Wow!)

I remember Derrick (and his alt Rivven).
The guild leader Niall
My best time in WoW.

Before that I passed through some guilds. I remember Spirit of Eradication, Soldiers of Light, and Cobra Kai Dojo, maybe… short time.

I think it was in Soldiers of Light (Not sure) there was a pally called Sirgrand? who played with his father mage. and also a Warlock (not sure if was the same guild) called Sarudani which I could call friends during those days.

Still don’t know which server to play. Where’s Thunderlord going?
If any xeno member around, where are you going?

And I think I still have some kill screenshot around. Going back to MC.


Guys, let’s all play together on the new servers released!

Hello Everyone,

Kakkoroff - Human Mage
I use to Sell Portals as “Kakkoroff Taxi Service”.

Khaotic Order, Wrath of Divinity, Ghost, GroanUps

People I remember:
Khaotic Order: Khaos, Shivetta, Gimidge, Eclipx

Ghost: Chille, Jether/Moondray, Peakae, Pha, Thundermace, Playoff,

Hoping to meet up with some old Friends, and enjoy the good ol’ days.
Discord: Silentstryder#0902
Battle net: Silentstrydr#1448

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A bunch of us from KO are rolling on Whitemane.

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full speed ahead #SKERAM

Allaric. Lil Vengenz (prev SFC Alliance, later Enraptured) - a few of us are rolling Herod-Horde.

Rogue main: Ralidyn

Guilds: HAKD, Ominous Darkness, Domus Lupus, Vex, War Smack, Corpus, WarKrack, Frozen Evolution, Oblivion, Fable, Covenant, Angels of Eradication, Tribute, Reforged

Heya, @matchyous , haven’t seen you since heroic 25 Lich King, haha.

@ashnod would love to join in.


Hi Guys,
Had a bunch of toons
Hunter Rorathisx
Rogue Rragnarx

on vent I went by rrag or rora



KAK!!! OMG, HI! How are you? This is Gimidge/Eclipx… Send me a friend request to my battletag Meenxy#1848. There is a slowly growing group of us getting ready for later today! We have a discord server set up which I can send you a link to once weve linked up! Old Khaotic Order is being rezz’d on Whitemane. Chat soon!

I sent a perma link to our discord channel via battletag/add friend. Let me know if that doesnt work. LOL We are dying to chat with you!


teamtom#1701. Get at me bro

Afternoon boys.

I am Heratli/Iltareh from various expansions on Horde and Ally side. Used to be in Angry Beavers, Kali Swarm, and later Inquisition in Vanilla.

Happy to meet up with you all. I will be leading a guild. Not sure what server yet, but feel free to add me on Battlenet Heratli#1920 and I’ll invite you to our Discord as we decide in the coming hours.


Hey everyone!

I played Maelik - NE Warrior (Inquisition, YO, Carebears, Nerdcraft, Tribute, Maelik Sucks…)

My alt: Zyv - NE Priest.

Looking forward to WoW Classic and reconnecting with some old friends =)
