Thunderlord Alliance Reconnections

Aye, Ryuthon! Long time. Someone add me on battlenet so we can figure this out.


Yo! This is Adiah! I mostly played my NE priest with the same name! I’ve been looking for some OE peps for a long time now! I have a dwarf priest reserved on Stalagg as well. I might be playing on a different server though with some other friends of mine.

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Tazendra! I remember you from OE! You keep in touch with Faye and Enaka?

OMG KRINA! It’s Xye - add me Tyler#1813

I was boys with Cerebas on my rogue Shivetta. Where is everyone playing? I have a warrior made on Faerlina, but an thinking of rolling on Skeram.

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Yo Khand!!! It’s Xye, add me!

How’s it going bud This is Shuya! I am going to start a guild on Stallag, Alliance side Add me on battlenet TomBerenger#1900 We have a solid number of people, going to be a fun time! If you talk to anyone else from IP let them know

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Hey Whats up guys This is Shuya I am starting a guild on Stalagg, Alliance side My is Tomberenger#1900 Add me and pass the word along to anyone else from IP you remember.


Shuya, Night elf warrior GM of Inferno Promotions and Infernus Praetorium. I will be starting another guild on Stalagg, Alliance side Would love to play with some of our old guild members again. If anyone wants to reconnnect or play together add my TomBerenger#1900


Sup all!

Zhaoyun: Night Elf Rogue - still on TL
Guilds: Redemption? under Cano___? that merged with SFC before MC, SFC Alliance in MC, Ony and some BWL, Schizm in BWL and AQ (I still have that AR gear on retail)
PvP: Made it to Rank 11 playing with lots of names

Rolling Dwarf Priest
Looking to PvP
Would be great to see some old names again, but have played with some since Vanilla.

I have seen a few realm names thrown out as the initial Classic servers filled up and new ones were added.

If there is a main THUNDERLORD server that both Horde and Alliance are going to, continue to post up to launch.

It’s been 15 years… and we have all come back to re-visit our youth when we were lads - before video games were cool.


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I think Skeram is where most people are going from at least Tlord alliance

Aight I will plan for Skeram - a Medium population server sounds good to me.


I remember playing with people, just don’t remember names. Been a long time. I was a gnome warlock named Jethrolee. Only name I really remember playing with is Cherii. Don’t even remember if that’s spelled right. :stuck_out_tongue: Planning on playing on Grobbulus. The guild Carebears sounds familiar, for a while at least.

infact, if you need a guild send me a real id Storm#1586

Hello, people.


I see people going to Stalagg as well. So which is it gonna be? Stalagg or Skeram. Are the servers siloed like back in the day?

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Whats up Guys/Gals

Main in Vanilla/BC/Wrath was Necrohex Human Priest
Agamenmon Human Warrior
Aequites Human Pally

A lot of familiar names out there, was in multiple guilds cant remember half of them. Some that come to mind are The Dark Monastery, Goat Clan, Apple Jacks and a bunch of others. Raided with xeno, MM and a couple other guilds part time. Looking forward to reconnecting with everyone.

Classic Server will be Herod/Skeram
Necrohex Human Priest


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Sadly not I lost track of them around late BC. Pretty sure Enaka just moved onto different hobbies and Faye gave her account away I think.

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Hey everyone, been a long time!

I didn’t start playing wow until shortly after the AQ gates were opened. Started out in Corpus, and shortly after joined my brother in Mystic Cheerios. Got my first raiding experience in MC and BWL with them.

Shortly after the burning crusade launched I joined Tribute, and raided with them for quite a few years.

I’m an old fart now, but I’ll for sure be playing Classic! Going to roll on the server with the majority of you, which is Stalagg? I will be playing a mage this time around.

Hope to see a lot of you out there!
