Thunder Bluff to Orgrimmar Portal Removed?

Some people like the DMF.

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there was a portal to hellfire peninsula, (one in every major city, since tbc practically. they used to go direct to blasted lands, and were changed to hellfire penn in WoD) once it spat you out, youā€™d simply turn around and take the portal you just popped out of: which went to Org.


As far as i know thereā€™s no tb -> org nor org->tb portals. I was in Org and was like oh dmf is back. I had to portal hop my way to tb. Org>zuld>tb>dmf then hearth out since thereā€™s no portal in tb.

No way i was gonna fly or zep there. It was easier when dal, shrine and even warspear had tb portals.

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talk to the Darkmoon Mage.
theyā€™ll port you to the faire entry.


Dang really. In all the yearsā€¦ Lol my bad.

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Welcome to the World of Time Gating.


Or Dreamwalk to Order Hall to take portal to Dalaran to take portal to Org.

or use Dal hearth, take portal to Org.

I know aboutthe portals to hellfire.
What I and others believe we read was a portal between ORg and TB.
Which I said Iā€™ve never seen and Iā€™ve been playing since lat BC

Thatā€™s so we have enough zeps to get everyone to the bbq after Sylvanis fries Baine for being a traitor.

Me neither.

There wasnā€™t one ever. But there are so many ways to get to Org - guild cloaks, Dalaran hearthstone, Deepholm Potion.

Thereā€™s one at the Great Seal to TB. There was never a portal to TB in Org - just zepp and FP.

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Then I ran outside side and said lord jesus thereā€™s a fire. Aint nobody got time for that. You had 1 post and you fubarā€™d that all up. Well done

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There was a TB -> Org portal?

If I was a WoW dev, the next expansion would have a lore reason for wiping out all portals 'cept Mage portals, and kill off flight paths (and no flying at all the entire expansion; maybe void tentacles would just pluck people out of the air and suck them to the void or something). Maybe a full expansion where people had to actually mostly travel from point A to B would bring a little perspective back.

See? Doesnā€™t the world seem bigger now?
Thanks Blizz

-_- right. there was never a direct portal from Thunderbluff to Org. what iā€™m saying is- i think op was very likely referencing how weā€™d take the portal to hellfire and then take the hellfire portal to org as a shortcut from ANY capital city back to org (or SW for that matter).

he could have spelled it out better if so, but even if he meant something else (which i doubt): the fact is the hellfire penn portals are all gone, and so then are those shortcuts we used back to Org.

None of this makes any sense, considering the cost for a flight path is a few copper.

some people are more concerned about the time spent traveling, than the cost of a flight.

Ah from the kids that lived 4 blocks away from schoolā€¦ā€œMomā€¦I need a ride to school itā€™s to far to walkā€¦ā€

You could try walking, flying, or taking the flightpath.