Thunder Blast should Enrage for Fury

Mountain Thane feels sorta awkward, I can’t really put it into words for me but it just feels off. But anyway, I feel like it could really benefit from getting Enrage from Thunder Blast. Sometimes my Enrage is falling off breifly in Mountain Thane, I didn’t have this issue in Slayer so idk if Mountain Thane just has less rage generation or something, but it feels awful to lose Enrage even for 1 single global. Thunder Blast should absolutely give us Enrage.


Only if Mortal Strikes would activate Colossus Smash, then ypu have a deal.


I haven’t felt a difference in uptime, with slayer my enrage uptime for a M+ run was 85-90%, just ran one as thane and enrage uptime was 88%. Slayer doesn’t do anything to give additional enrage uptime over thane so you shouldn’t be feeling any difference. Unless you changed to powerful enrage from frenzied enrage.

That would be insanely overpowered lol.

Replace whirlwind with thunderclap in your rotation. You’ll get use to it almost instantly. Most of the time you’ll hit it more than you would Whirlwind. Don’t let yourself sit on 2 stacks.

thats how it used to be in Shadowlands, when arms felt pretty damn good

Mortal Strike did not innately or reliably apply Colossus Smash in Shadowlands outside of perhaps, though I do not at all recall it, a Torghast Power (which should in no way be taken as precedent for anything except coding plausibility).

You can literally see on Wowhead every effect that has ever affected any current skill since (or even prior to) Legion. I could find no such effect listed for Mortal Strike or Colossus Smash.

Enduring Blow - Legendary Affix that could be added to either Helmet or Belt, it was one of the ‘best in slot’ Runecarvings for Arms at a rate of 25% proc per MS hit. It was also Synergistic with the Mortal Combo soulbind conduit.

It didn’t really add anything to the gameplay in all honesty, it was just an RNG slot machine of random damage amps on targets hit which is better off left behind.

Ahh, so again, far from any 100% chance as was suggested.

And agreed; best left behind.

I never suggested it was 100%. I just stated I liked it. especially because it stacked on the existing or on itself

Enrage uptime is 100% on every viable fury build, if it’s dropping, you are prioritizing incorrectly. Thane is fine, thunder blast is not higher prio than getting enraged again and this overlap almost never happens anyway in actual play because of how often we rampage and/or odyn’s fury, depending on if you run the quality of life talent or not for odyn’s fury.

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