Ahoi bois - Was wondering if any macro wizards out there had some insight for me.
Been playing Fury, Mountain thane. Been enjoying the pace, but APM can feel a little high. With how I key bind, and how quickly the moves go I either get a little bogged down with finger gymnastics, or get so focused on rotation I let Whirlwind fall off.
I’ve been trying a macro that saves me some finger motion, and streamlines the game play to not push moves without have Whirlwind aoe buff up:
/castsequence reset=2.5 Thunder clap, Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Rampage
Simple macro that lets me spam while also leaving binds open for burst window alterations, Sudden death procs, and Burst of power - exceeeept for one issue.
Some how the macro keeps breaking around the interactions with Thunder burst.
USUALLY the macro breaks once Thunder burst has turned back into Thunder clap. But sometimes gets stuck with TB as well. TB will go off, but won’t progress to the next moves and Im’ stuck mashing Thunderclap over an over. It fixes it self if I proc thunder burst again or let combat drop. I’ve tried other iterations that string it along a little and use moves in different orders, but the TB thing keeps happening. Any one want to test it, and offer any insights?
Thanks in advance!
Don’t think there’s a magical fix since from memory the more you add into a macro the more likely it’s going to cause problems.
Spamming 1 button with one finger is going to cause a lot more problems for you than using 3 fingers to press 4-5 buttons.
You’re better off gearing for more vers/mastery/crit, less haste and picking up Powerful Enrage over Frenzied enrage if you want to reduce the APM while keeping damage relatively close to optimal.
Smart keybinds also help here too, I’ve found more comfort in changing up my keybinds to 1- BT, 2- Rampage, 3- Raging Blow, 4- Execute, 5 - WW/TC for fury’s current playstyle.
Previously in SL/Early DG it was BT/RB/WW/Exe/Rampage for 1-5 which was more comfortable then, but that changed going into S3 DF with Annihilator being brought to the forefront.
Thanks for the input,
I use mouse wheel for my attacks, so I’m spamming one motion most of the time any way. It’s my modifier hand that starts to get goofed swapping from shift to control to alt. The pinky dance is real
I’m going to guess this is mostly for accessibility reasons as opposed to laziness?
If that is indeed the case maybe looking at something that better suits your needs, certain multi button mice configurations would open up some extra realestate in terms of keybinds.
Seeing what keyboard keybinds are comfortable for you to use alongside the mouse buttons so you’re not relying so much on shift/control modifiers.
Looking into the controller addon options and how they can be set-up where you can play purely via a controller of your choice depending which is the most comfortable for you, if you have one for a previous console lying around that’s bluetooth compatible getting something like the 8bitdo USB wireless adaptor which is compatible with controllers as old as the PS3/ Wii U pro controllers which you may have lying around and wouldn’t need to pay extra for a newer controller.
Sure performance might not be entirely 1:1 to mouse and keyboard but there are plenty of alternatives out there to suit the needs of many these days.
Oh there’s definitely some lazy involved, why else does one make macros lol. BUT the real reason, is I’ve never really missed a key since mouse Wheeling (other than just choosing the wrong move, or forgetting whether it was shift or control). And its way easy to move “qwe” while attacking. Efficiency! In a word.
Ok in that case I would suggest focusing on moving more with your mouse unless you’re strafing with q/e (as in forward movement with mouse only), it’ll be a weird feeling at first but you’ll get a lot more out of it and it will free your keyboard hand dramatically so you’ll lose less GCDs while having full control of your movement.
Also set-up keybinding around your qwe so you’re not going any further than the 5/T/G keybinds or 4/R/F pending the size of your hands.
ESDF is also an option if you don’t mind a change of default positioning which opens up a few extra comfy keybind spots but I’m not a fan of this one myself because I never put the time in to retrain myself since I’ve been stuck on WASD in way too many games before WoW.
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