Throne of Thunder transmog runs

How many times can I run ToT per reset on a given character?
If I ran it on heroic, can I run it on normal as well on the same account/character per reset?

Secondly, something weird is going on.
I ran ToT in Heroic on thursday, right…but it was literally letting me run it again on heroic on friday. I thought I had changed to normal the second time, but realized it was still set on heroic.
I dropped out of it as soon as I saw just in case it was one of those bugged things that can get you in trouble if you knowingly take advantage.

But now Im wondering what the actual rules are.
I thought it was once per weekly reset per difficulty setting per WoW account?


When you ran it a second time on Friday - you just won’t get loot off the bosses.

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will I still get green drops from non bosses?
Just do it for DEing for enchanting a couple items.

With raids, once you’ve cleared it for the week it should show as empty when you try to zone in for the rest of the week. Check your lockouts, id suspect you probably ran it on normal the first time around or your doing lfr version in which case you can repeatedly run that but will only get loot once.

exception would be if your jumping in under other peoples lockouts. In which case you can keep running it but you wont get anything. Possibly greens but I wouldn’t bother running it just for that, much quicker ways to farm greens

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Just running solo thru the ToT entrance.
I dont mind running it for just greens because I mostly just enjoy doing it anyway.
I guess I thought that once Im locked out that it just wouldnt let me enter in at all until reset.
So thats not the case?

ToT has an ICC style lockout. You can choose between normal and heroic and you can only run it once per week per toon. LFR is separate.

per TOON?
Maybe thats what Im seeing then. It was on different characters

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Good question - I’m not 100% sure, but >60% sure you do. Shouldn’t take long to test and see.

I got Spawn of Horridon while running it on normal, switched to heroic on another toon and got Clutch of Ji-Kun. Same day.

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Oh yeah that was it then. Separate characters dont share lock out for anything.

ToT uses the old lockout system where you have to choose between either heroic or normal for the week. But what one toon does has no effect on any other alts you man have.

LFR has it’s own lockouts.

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Thanks. :grinning:
Lord…all this time I thought I had to run it on one character per week :roll_eyes: