Throne of the tides above 20?

For high keys, I’m curious how people handle the disease in the gauntlet here. I haven’t tried above a 19 yet, but it seems tough to keep up. I’m guessing the really high push groups will stack a group that with a bunch of disease cleansing options, but if it’s just you as a priest are we all just doing our best to triage the highest stacks and use e.g. dome and other cds to live through it when fighting the bigger adds?

The gauntlet is a group pacing/timing thing. It’s not a healer thing.

Pugs currently haven’t fully learned, but at a high enough fort key you simply can’t just pull all the corruptions into the sentries and start blasting. If you’ve got corruptions all over you need to let buff fall off before swell, THEN blast the corruptions, and the disease will be off for the next swell.

The major problem pack is the first sentry. You’re almost always gonna go into that with a couple corruptions on you in any pug. You save your burst healing for Swell from the sentry, and most likely yeah pop barrier, darkness, and your whole party will need to pop defensives if you’ve got a few stacks.

After that, the sentries pop swell about ~5 seconds after you pull them. The goal is have minimal disease stacks (ideally 0) when the swell is casting, and after the cast everyone can burst.

The final 2 sentries you shouldn’t have any disease on. Kill the aquamages, and you can stand about where they were and the corruptions won’t aggro onto you anymore, so you can wait for the disease to be off before you pull them and just fight near the door.


Basically what caps said. Did a 22 last night with no issue because the group knew how to pace it.

Disease dispel yourself and let everyone else soak in their woes.


That is what I do lol. ^

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Yep I only did a 20 but I just dispelled myself, healed the others, and hoped they did it correctly.

It’s timing and pacing. Pull the big ele away from the spawning little adds.

Single target ONLY until after the first swell cast, then quickly aoe all adds. The disease will drop before the next swell cast. Immediately back to single target. If additional adds arrive, ignore them until after the next swell.

Treat the disease like the Bursting affix. It’s best to deal with all at once instead of staggering and delaying it. Most healers can handle a couple stacks thru the swell channel, but not more than once. Best for your DPS to show off their brain wrinkles and actually think for a minute when it comes to timing mob deaths.

What am I missing on crushing depths? I timed a 20 ezpz earlier this week. I tried a 21 last night and even bombing penance and flash heals into crushing depths targets didn’t save them. Do they just have to use personals to live?

Defensives reduce the initial absorb shield hit and also reduce its tick per second. That one pull with two sentinels and double crushing depth back-to-back is brutal.

On Disc I like to double Radiance w/ Harsh Discipline in advance and activate Power of the Darkside via Mind Blast so I can drop a fatty Penance on the first person that gets it. You can also pain sup people.

This dungeon sucks in general. It’s brutally hard to time on a +25 or higher because you can’t do big pulls with all the caster mobs. Every death adds up. You’re also forced to kill all the swell mobs in the gauntlet just to open the gate.


Yeah I asked a ret pally to loh on the double pull, but I find that rets either know how to use their utility or play like arms…

I’ll have to try some of this. A few times I was trying to catch up so maybe that did me in. Throwing penance + spamming flash heal and still seeing someone drop was a bit of a bummer but maybe I just have to save pain sup for it (and ideally the dps use personals).

I’m finding flame shock on third boss to be the biggest wall in high keys - at least on tyrannical week. It’s nearly a one shot mechanic with no broadcast of who is being targeted.

It’s a nasty boss because you have the flameshock mechanic which the healer has to deal with on-top of the tank getting trucked hard when the totem is down.

Normally the healer can just funnel into the tank to help, but since they need to manage 2 debuffs they can’t.

I was in a 26 last night that was going fairly well (we were a little behind time anyway tbh) but we couldn’t down the third boss because the rdruid in group was the only dispell we had. Seems like a comp requirement at a certain level on tyrannical week

Lock with an Imp cuts down the difficulty quite a bit.

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Nice, thanks for the pointer. Wouldn’t have thought of that one.

Yup I play a ret pally so is pretty easy to save myself and help others

I want to see your mog so bad but it wont load

I play disc with the weaver build and here is what I do for each of the bosses.
Lady Naz’jar: PI on pull, if the water bolt is kicked, she will immediately cast Focused Tempest. Everyone should spread as much as they can to limit damage. Make sure you have mindbender up for each Focused Tempest. When the adds come out, I try to position near the witch furthest from the tank and fear it immediately to avoid anyone getting water bolted while the tank picks everything up. Dispel frost shields off adds as needed and dodge the water on the floor. If you get targeted by shock blast, move out, use personals, and watch for water geysers. If PI comes back during the fight, save it for Commander Ulthok.

Commander Ulthok: PI on pull and use the mindbender ramp. Make sure to smite enough so as soon as he casts bubbling fissure it will be back. When he casts fissure, run behind the tank and begin rotating around the room. Get your ramp up because he is about to shockwave everyone backwards. Try to line your ramp up so you can cast dark reprimand as you are being knocked back. If your tank is squishy, throw pain suppression as you run back, he hits incredibly hard at this point due to Crushing Claw. When the congealed ooze come out, try to use penance when they are close to the boss. The spread of purge the wicked will knock them back and help your team. I save ultimate penitence for the third wave of ooze, it will continuously knock a lot of them back. I cast radiance and go right into ultimate penitence to heal everyone and help with knockbacks at the same time.

Mindbender Ghur’sha:
Start with PI and mindbender ramp. As soon as someone gets hit with flame shock, dispel it. Focus on getting mindbender back off cd as quick as possible for the first totem. For the second and third flameshock, pump healing through the second flame shock and when the third flame shock hits, mass dispel both at the same time. After that, dispel flame shock immediately as much as possible. When the totem comes up, immediately pain suppression the tank, make sure radiance is up, and pump damage into the totem. If needed, you can use rapture to spam shield the tank instead if they are getting slapped too hard. Make sure to get out of LOS for terrifying visions and get back quickly to heal and phase 2 should be a breeze.

Ozumat: Start the fight with PI as usual. Stack ooze in a venn diagram if targeted. After gushing inks die, I keep track of where they were for the next stack point. Fade before the ooze hits and keep atonement on everyone at all times. I like to save pain suppression for the tank on the third and fourth murk spew. Usually by that time, the blotting darkness is spreading and the tank is getting hurt badly. As long as the puddles are stacked close to dead adds and people are efficiently cleaning, this fight isn’t that bad. Phase 2 is a breeze just keep atonement up and smack the big squid.

I know 2 paladins who are exceptionally good at using their utility.

I think there are some bugs w/ the Armory. For a while when I was using the nelf heritage armor it looked like I had set everything to naked. At the moment its just the Twilight Witch set though–like a lot of people I entered my Magical Girl era in February.