Throne of Four Winds raid is bugged

I went in there this morning on Area 52 at 125am central time and tried to solo it for the mount. I run in, jump to one platform kill a mob then go to jump on the other platform and the wind carry thing on the edge of the platform is gone. I am also level 60 and ilvl over 160 and was taking heavy damage inside and died 4 times. was unable to complete this raid on heroic 25 man. I tried both mobs on different sides starting on different ones and it was the same issue except the guy on the right side of the starting platform threw me in the air and I couldn’t move and died.


At first, I was experiencing the same issue but standing close to the edge of the platform where the wind would send me to the other platform, I had to wait for 10-15 seconds, then it would send me off.

Did that on the first two platforms, then I was able to run around and see the travel gusts. I had to kill 2 out of the 3 bosses twice because of that but was eventually able to defeat them as a lvl 46.

EDIT, Dec 5.

I attempted to replicate the run but with my 46 paladin. I died multiple times to heavy (definitely overtuned) damage, with the wind gusts supposed to send you to the other platforms vanishing as well. Waiting on the edge would eventually send me off but it would take so much time that the bosses would come back to full health and do a metric ton of damage.


Bump. Been happening to me for awhile. Overtuned DMG and wind gusts not there to take you to next platform. Please address this Blizzard.


I just want my mount blizzard please fix this soon.


This is still happening. Unable to even complete the raid.


Can confirm still happening today.

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still happening. has been for a while. Its possible to do but the fact the platforms transport disappear make this actually difficult

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Bump! I have tried over 10 times the damage is to great and the time between depuff and air bridge is to great the “stay Chill” achievement is impossible to get you die before 2 stacks and you need 7…


Bump! …cant get the Stay Chill achievement its impossible I agree… Any feed back on a rework?


Bug is still occurring, the raid is currently impossible to do at all as the wind “bridge” between bosses vanishes when you engage the first boss.

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Confirmed. The disappearing bridges make it impossible to complete.

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I can confirm on 12/27 that all I had to do was wait at the edge of the platform for it to send me across. Was able to complete the raid without a problem.

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Can also confirm that waiting at the edge of the platform will send you across. However, the raid is still bugged as getting the achievement “Stay Chill” is made impossible with the despawning bridges and bugged boss casts.


Bug began with the prepatch, I haven’t found a good way to consistently get the winds to reappear, but jumping off the edge sometimes gets it back to working

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would be nice to be able to get stay chill. this raid is so bugged. please fix it or remove the requirement… i opened a ticket . i run this raid weekly for the mount and after the re patch i ran right off the edge wondering what is going on

Old raids are super bugged right now, I was taking heavy damage in other raids like ICC and Dragon Soul on my level 60 characters. Some are easy to complete but I couldn’t complete DS because I kept taking heavy damage and dying during Spine of Deathwing.

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i thought dragon soul was a lil harder than usual. i never took damage at all. i was watching the adds and i happened to look up im at 15k health…

Yeah, I’ve experienced this bug. Super weird how it happens.

Still happening, but if you stay near the edge like others have said it will kick in…

Still broken though. I also got no look from the first boss(s) at all, nothing, no gold, nothing.

Still happening just tried today on my Pally wind does not spawn to take you to other platforms then you just die from tick dmg