Three noobie PvP Questions

  1. What spec is most PvP friendly to someone just getting into PvP? I play with 2 of my guild mates and 1 is a resto druid. We also mainly just do BG’s because we are casual players.

  2. What guides do you recommend to assist me in my rotation / matchups.

  3. What is your humble opinion of Warrior PvP?

Thanks ahead for anyone who takes the time to reply to my post!

While Fury is more friendly for solo play. If you have a healer I would definitely recommend Arms for PVP. Any basic Icyveins, Wowhead will do for casual BGs.

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Fury and Arms are both pretty friendly for people getting into PvP. Fury is a little more forgiving if you’re playing without a healer but Arms is definitely the better PvP spec especially with a healer.

There’s no real set in stone guide for PvP because it just varies from fight to fight but WoWhead gives you a pretty basic rundown of your rotation.

I’ve mained warrior for 15 years and the entire time I’ve absolutely loved PvPing on my warrior, including the bad times. The in your face playstyle has always been my favorite and warrior emphasizes that. If you can really get good at PvP on warrior I’d say it’s very rewarding and worthwhile.

  1. arms is always recommended over fury for any form of pvp content. however, fury is fine in casual regular bgs.

  2. icyveins, wowhead

  3. warriors arent really known for pvp. they are all about mortal strike (healing reduction) which is irreplaceable but that’s pretty much it, they dont bring anything else. it also means that fury isnt really viable in rated pvp since furies do not have mortal strike. It lacks many other utilities that other hardcore pvp specs would bring to the table. when one thinks of top tier pvp specs, warriors arent usually the first people think of.

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I am late to a PvP thread!

1.) Fury for solo stuff is by far easier for newer people. Arms is much better though when you start to get more gear and experience playing warrior.

2.) There is no guide/rotation in PvP

3.) Arms is always a top 3 melee spec outside of 2 seasons that I can recall dating back to S1 of TBC. It will always be viable and does extremely well on the ladder at all mmr/rating and always performs well at tournament level.

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Arms is more or less the go-to PvP spec. MS and Defensive Stance outshine just about everything Fury has, barring some mediocre self healing (comparatively). There isn’t really much to the spec anymore but in Arena a lot of the skillcap comes from knowing when to properly use your utility, and w/ some stuff returning in Shadowlands, I hope the skillcap continues to increase!

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Fury for starting. Its fun and easier to be solo than arms. I enjoy warriors in PvP. They dont feel opop but they do feel strong in a group but 1v1 there are a bunch of classes that will outlast you. But your not weak 1v1 either in Fury since you have self healing and constant dmg output. Just need to learn your matchups and what fights to pick and your golden.

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