TW dungeon finder seems to be broken, my Q times for the past few days have been 30-60 mins, had one earlier today that lasted two hours and my current wait while I’m writing this is nearly three hours.
Maybe everyone is playing Plunderstorm?
But seriously, I’m not sure what is up with queues. Mine were never as bad as yours but I’ve had some this week where I’m waiting 30+ minutes when it says the average is 5 minutes. I then start stressing out, wondering if I’m going to lose my buff, since it only last for 2 hours before it needs refreshed. Do I reque or continue to wait?
Were you in the queue solo or with other players? I’m just curious because even as a DPS, my queues were around 3 minutes until I re-queued with another player from the previous dungeon and the queue still didn’t pop after 20+ minutes. I left the group and re-queued myself and got in within 3 minutes. It does not seem like a DPS role-based issue, because even on a slow day, I can get in a dungeon within 8-10 minutes usually. It seems like something else might be causing the queue to get stuck.
This has been happening to me on my DH. My DH consistently, for two weeks now, has 30+ minute queues. I’ll switch to another DPS alt and get insta pop nearly. I dunno what the heck is going on, but it’s obvious there is some sort of bug going on. I just hopped onto my rogue to do TW and was in queue 15 minutes and just left. She’s one of my least played so I don’t care if I don’t do TW on her this week.