Three guildies banned all at once (Incorrectly flagged)

No one said it was allowed

Blizz does not hand these out lightly they do quite a bit of research when handing out such severe punishments. the only thing that can be done is they can appeal the ban but most likely it wont be over turned the fastest option is for them to just make a new account and relevel and regear. Joyous journey buff is here to so leveling isnt that bad.

Second is just first loser. Congrats being king of the losers.

i’m closer to the Michael Jordan of WoW than you are to me.

 Got mine down to suspension but never could get actual in screen data info with date and time of the actual event that caused what happened. 
 Did get if I contact support again there will be "serious consequences" when I went to follow threats made to me by a "multi boxer organized syndicate" on Nightslayer with 30 days of in-game screen shots. This did not give me resolve just "fear". 

 Then did one more thing after reading everything, ones issues. Also did a computer diagnosis over view. Saw most of these random banns/ suspension also started when "co pilot" went live so thought I reach out to technical support: 

Saw most of my instances of having gaming issue which was in 2022 and this year was when my kids gifted me a new computer, one kid was as he went off into the US Infantry so he knew he could connect with me overseas and us play together online. Sadly that system didn’t have the GBites and was having system issues. So November 2025 for this ever expanding game my daughter who graduated just as COVID hit and now finally is working in her field got me an extremely nice new laptop with pen/touch screen ability and tablet flip and unreal memory as well, kind she uses at her job. She got it for me so we could do the anniversary “realms” together.

Well… oh dear after doing research in 2022 event with December of 2025 repeat claiming my system had used some form of AI intelligence not authorized in game I had to try and figure this out. But this lovely new laptop has only these downloads on it:

World of Warcraft, retail-classic-classis era. Then these addons: Retail NONE, Cata Postal and Auctionator. Classics Era Postal (for safe mail so we don’t write in guild members or random friends), Auctionator (for safe buy) Auctioneer (for safe loading to sale since Auctionator changes prices on us randomly) TSM (for more postal support and profession support) which all comes from authorized entity Curse.Forge and are over saw by Blizzard in ADDON sections and disabled when required to be updated or are no longer being supported.

So new clean laptop with zero upgrades since unboxed or downloads other then this game.

 Well this told me nothing at least I thought it was telling me nothing until I did what Blizzard has us do while investigating things play for free on new characters.

 On my new girls I had to make until I get my "Wrathins" back, I saw our "dafault" key bindings triggering new ADA Microsoft Co Pilot quick key bindings. YA YA YA answer to how I killed the Dell gaming laptop gift from my son in 2022 finally showed their self, see old account I removed default bindings as like we all do and set it up for me unlike this new one which was showing me things I did not know. New one was all default and hitting in-game system key short cuts I had no idea it was accessing while I was playing, creating open windows that may or may not appear in my gaming window. Accessing my laptop system itself. 
 I was able to turn off the short cut key for Co Pilot which was ALT+SpaceBar but others I can't. Plus there is so many now using CTRL+ALT+(random letters) <<< system that is not gaming friendly and not being turned off with in game key binging setting so let this be a warning to all. Something that was not obvious to me like when all the FN F1 to F12 keys transformed into system keys to change settings preventing us from EVER using them in key bindings in World of Warcraft ages back on most of the US Keyboards where we knew had to reset those default bindings. Now it appears there is more and it effects it has on our game and in game data is my question and unknown to me? 

However when presented technical support, I got “serious consequences” would be the result if I asked technical support again about such. Ugh.

 So 5 months to go and am just making new girls and running all the quest lines again from Vanilla to Wrathian. I can't do warbound thing as I didn't complete "moving on" it appears in the previous version though did get Loremaster done so for me I must clear it all again. Other issues as a gamer I found is not having everything cleared means I can't instant see anything new out in the world cry so any character I make simply must clear all quests like I did on my others one locked from me. 

 Next like many in this issue I was not able to run fish up items needed for my Anniversary Quest so had to pay ridiculous prices out there for the items that could not fish up or even farm quickly.  Yup have to do it all again. Same with Cata Classics, have to redo all my classics and professions. 

 Good thing is I am "bedridden" and have the time I guess but same time just do not think this is right. I believe we should have answers so we know what "it was" that happened. Stating blah prewritten script to a "client" doesn't give resolve as it doesn't show the threat that caused the issue, the action itself. Like was it a key combo short cut system key for the Microsoft Windows or was it ADDON from Curse and program glitch .. was it people targeted players .. was it simply in game AI Sweep issue that errored. No answers. we can't get any answers. Can't even get if it was us personally per something we where doing in game. For me it would not be language or how I treat others in game field as in field, but can state I am not AH friendly, I like to set a price and that be the price... if it sells it sells if not I will just reload it again or maybe few months down the road. Just no "resolve" and this means ya can't fix something if you don't know what the issue was and this makes me truly saddened.

Bro, paragraphs.

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Sorry first time writing on the Blizzard forums. Per such other then proof reading few times I didn’t realize until later that this social page allowed paragraphs. But will use them in the future.