Three back to back to back 100 rolls in Aberrus just now

Um… is this broken or something? The last two weeks straight I’ve had some pretty epic low rolls on everything in 25 man raid, and just today in the entire length of Aberrus I rolled three 100’s in a ROW for two tier pieces and one wrist piece. I have never seen this before. Does this mean I need to get a mega millions or powerball ticket?

Has anyone else ever had this happen before? Not one or even two 100 rolls in a row, but THREE! Insane. I seriously wish I had recorded this raid run :frowning:


I think it means that for the next month or so you will roll all single digit numbers.


go buy a lottery ticket, quick! :slight_smile:

(this is not financial advice)

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Congrats. Take the wins where you can get them.

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It looks like you’ve used up your luck statistically and I would strongly encourage you not to waste money on lottery… the odds are even less in your favor than usual.

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ain’t no such thing :cowboy_hat_face:

but yeah i was joking, don’t spend any money you wouldn’t ordinarily!

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Right?!?! Lol after all the RNG complaining I’ve been doing in my chair the last two weeks seems to have paid off, and some. Haaa. I’ll take it!

The chances of rolling 3 100’s back to back is so statistically unlikely it’s more likely you had some internal bad luck protection kick in

Rng is rng. On the flip side i have lost a loot roll with a 100 roll


not really. how many loot rolls happened today across the entire game? out of all possible sets of 3 rolls, it’s not that wild that one person had this happen today.

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OP be up in here like:


Wow, that sucks lmao

I had this happen in reverse. Saw 10 cloaks off Heroic Sark, rolled single digits on all of them, finally rolled a 99 on the 11th (and still had to win the hidden tiebreaker roll against another 99 :joy:).


It’s impossibly wild

Actually the opposite. Don’t. He used up his luck.