I am a Zuluhed native. Been here since Vanilla and I’m reaching out to all those who are skilled raiders who are interested in a community that hearkens back to those days. Threat Level Midnight is a PVE focused guild who raid one night a week and do mythic plus consistently throughout the week. We raid Thursdays 8:30 EST to 11:30 EST. Perfect guild for skilled raiders who cannot commit to an intense raid schedule. With only 1 night a week we have consistently gotten AOTC as well as a couple of mythic bosses per tier. We continue to raise the bar on mythic, but need to continue to grow our talent due to out time constraints. I believe in a strong culture of patience/friendliness, and tolerate no drama. Mostly folks in there late 20s and 30s. I personally have gotten 2 server firsts and have been an officer or GM since Burning Crusade with light raiding experience in Vanilla. All folks who join are interviewed via discord, but we welcome both raiders and casuals. Come grow our active community and find your permanent home. We are here until they shut down the servers . Add/PST Erusgizmo#1261
You need a mage?
Please feel free to add me on real ID Erusgizmo#1261. We have a couple of mages, but worth a chat.
You may be here until the end, but I will always own your private chat channels. <0
Hi guys, hows life
Are you guys taking returning players that want to get back into raiding ?
Sure thing. We do brief interviews to join the raid team just to set expectations and make sure that you are a good fit for us and that we are a good fit for you
Not looking to join as friends and I are restarting an old guild, but I just wanted to /highfive that guild name.