Does the “Threads of Fate” alternate leveling path just require a level 60, or does the level 60 have to have completed all 4 story achievements?
Alright, I did some testing myself. I verified that Threads of Fate kicks in on any realm, provided you have one character with at least two Chapters completed on your chosen covenant at level 60. It might be available as soon as a single Chapter, but I can’t verify it.
The “Choosing Your Purpose” achievement is NOT sufficient to get the Threads of Fate on alts. It looks like your main must at least fully join their covenant and perhaps even do a chapter or two of the campaign.
They tried to auto-close my GM ticket on the alt that didn’t receive this choice (my main had only just completed Choosing Your Purpose), but I requested they keep it open. I’m not optimistic they’ll be able to do anything for that character, but fingers crossed.
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I’d imagine as WoWhead currently doesn’t list any achivements as required to have in order to unlock. That you just need to have a capped 60 on your account / realm in order for your alts to use “Threads of Fate”
I checked couldn’t find anything about what’s required in order for it to appear. 
It sounds like you have to pick your first covenant, from what my guild tells me.
Fairly certain that’s what I read as well. One character has to progress far enough and choose a covenant.
Just from what WoWhead has to say about it, I’m not sure I’d want to use Threads of Fate…
My objective with an alt would remain the same, I’ve seen the story, now I just want to get to 60… excluding the main quests, seems to be excluding most of the experience points.
To me, a quest is a quest, is a quest. it won’t matter to me, whether it’s main, or side quest, or world quest, it’s still a quest.
Giving me this illusion of choice, doesn’t change the reality of I have to do x number of quests to get to 60.
It reminds me of when I was self employed… the illusion I could set my own hours… yes, but no matter where I set the hours, it was still 8 to 10 hours, and generally the same as a boss would have had me working.
the option is there to use it more likely to be able to spam dungeons on your alts, instead of like in my case having to do the questline 17 times, which would get awful real quick.
I trimmed my toons back to 10…
And I understand your point, 10 times thru gets old too… and running x amount of speedruns thru the same dungeons, equally old.
people don’t like to do full clears anymore… running past the experience points to kill bosses isn’t alot of efficient leveling.
Bleh. I leveled this character to cap, finished the 9.0 story, and chose a covenant (I got the Choosing your Purpose achievement). I then ran my spriest through the Maw and I wasn’t presented with the Threads of Fate choice in Oribos, so now I believe I’ve doomed my spriest to doing the whole story all over again.
I’ve opened a GM ticket, but now I’m afraid to play alts. Does anyone else have any more details on a definitive “you’ve done enough to get Threads of Fate”?
I just ran into this problem and this thread was the first google hit. Did you get anywhere with this?
No reply from a GM yet (it has only been an hour). I’m almost done with finishing “Chapter 1” of my covenant now (Revendreth), and I figure when I can’t possibly do anything more this week on this character, I’ll take another shot with some other alt and see if it works then.
Does anyone know if my alt miss out on anything important by leveling via the Fatescribe vs doing it the normal way? Are there any quests in the leveling zones that need to be done that I will regret not doing or that will prevent me from doing anything else, or that will make the end game feel weird or disconnected because I used Blizz’s new alt-friendly end game leveling system instead of leveling the usual way?
I added an Edit to the original post, as it sounds like people are finding this via Google searches.
The Blizzard FAQ (Article-ID 277497) says, you need to complete chapter 1 of your covenant to unlock Threads of Fate:
To unlock the quest Threads of Fate for secondary characters. Please complete the Shadowlands story for all campaigns, and zone achievements; The Path to Ascension, Blade of the Primus, Awaken, Ardenweald, and The Master of Ravendreth. Your first level 60 character must ALSO complete Chapter 1 of your chosen covenant’s campaign.
Once both criteria are met, your secondary characters should be able to complete the Intro and be given the Threads of Fate quest.
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