Thread of fate is being removed from shadowlands (soon)

Won’t ever touch shadowlands “content” again.


Except the whole point of Threads is that you’ve already done the story once and know the overarching story. I imagine it would remain the same as how it currently works and that you have to have had a character go through the main story once.

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After further contemplation… this now means that to ever farm SL content in the future EVERY SINGLE ALT you want to farm on will have to do ALL of Shadowlands… ew.

Not only does this hurt the leveling community but it hurts the farming community as well.


Well we don’t know if there will still be a skip for the lvl 60+ players.

I’d say forcing players through the story is a bad choice but it is necessary so the level experience stays the same and can be balanced.

Also this is only for the Chromie Time feature not for leveling outside of SL


I started SL during September.
And this was one of the positive things in SL…
Shocking they’re are removing it.
I guess I should rush all lvl 50 to get started on that quest then

Blizzard sure likes to make people FOMO

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Or you ignore it and don’t level in SL?

This is what I fear - it would seem silly that years later a player would have to do all four zones story just to access all the content and covenants and associated features, but it sure seems like that might be the case.

Since this may be the way it works in the future, I plan to take every one of my level 50 alts to Oribos using the skip and start Threads.


Well I guess that’s an option too.
But I like the simplicity and the amount of exp you could get from it.
And the time it takes too.

Chromie time or not, threads of fate is gone so you will still have to do the main story. You are right, they could always add a skip for later. If they follow through with this decision then I hope at least they add a skip.

IDK … I always pick ToF too but i never have any fun with it … only now with the 50% buff.

Like i finish everything in a zone and still have so much to do in order to fill the faction bar thingy …
and even completing everything, didn’t bring you to 60.

the Story allowed you to be 60 right before Ravendreth.

See above. I never really liked ToF but always picked it anyway

I apologize for the confusion, I had a typo in there! Should have been “gone” not “fine”.

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its the only way I level ( well beside my druid who only leveles from herbing and mining ) . Questing is teh heart and soul of RPGs

I might have a bit of nostalgia but I did that stupid storyline on 12 toons. Never again. SL isn’t alt friendly.

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And this means nothing cause it’s moved to chromie time which means you don’t ever have to do shadowlands again. DF has its own threads of fate like system. I’m not really sure what the outrage is about. Is it you like SL but only when you can do Threads of Fate.

Its not bait though
Threads of fate was specifically a Shadow Isles thing

In DF we go through the main story in the order the zones come in, and then once we have done that once we’ll get the system we had in Legion and BFA to pick zones to start questing in
Which works quite well since we can quite easily travel to these different zones thanks to Dragon Riding so we can just fly right over to the specific areas we want to level alts in

Question: why did you do the storyline 12 times?
Yes it was/is technically faster than the storyline but… that’s a choice you made though

Unless you are talking about the covenant stuff
SL had issues with alts, like serious issues, but it wasn’t that bad overall … it was just boring was the problem (with one exception that was a problem in that it took too long to get currency vendors to be able to send stuff over to alts in order to make legendaries and the like but … SL’s alt management wasn’t bad, just boring - at least in my opinion and experience)

This times infinity squared.

I have already started moving toons back to their garrisons (those that weren’t already there lol) to move away from that mess.


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lvling in threads of fate takes more time versus lvling in for example, bfa with chromie time once you hit lvl 50, so personnaly, good riddance

I am still on that sweet Legion kick. So I thought perhaps the Covenants were gonna effect my game experience to that of Class specific content. I also naturally don’t feel like healing or doing damage the same way but I thought things would be different with different Class and Covenant options but alas I played most and can say with honestly that Class Spec Identity is lacking in this game and giving players options to create their hero of Azeroth is definitely a way forward.

It was boring. They eventually had a catch up system but I already drilled down my peeps already haha All in all. I wanted the Covenants to feel more Epic since it was an integral part of the WoW Universe and obviously, it came up short. Sad.

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