Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren runekey farm tips

the new mount Thrayir on siren isle needs you to farm 5 diferent kind of runekeys.

while wowhead has a good guide (search “TWW siren isle mount” - i can’t post the link, but article title = “How to Obtain Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren in Patch 11.0.7 - Stormcrow Mount”), i thought I would post a couple of tips i learned:

  • be in storm mode

  • thunderous fragments are from hidden chests - follow the wind graphics to the chests. i also got one torrential fragment from a chest.

  • the Cyclonic Runekey can drop from the rare Zek’ul the Shipbreaker. while this is true, the drop rate seems low (~1%?). what worked for me was to kill him when he spawned ( i got one torrential fragment this way), but then fish inbetween respawns. i started with zero fishing skill and got the runekey by fishing in under 100 casts. i did buy a +perception hat on the AH and enchanted my gloves with +2 fishing. not sure it made a difference.

-the wowhead guide is very clear on the other two runekeys.

  • while they say that torrential fragments (you need 7) drop from any mobs in the area, it seems that storm mobs have a (much?) better chance to drop them. there is an area in the north central area - north of the crystal, outside of the cave to the vault - with lots of fairly packed mobs on the coast with rapid respawn rates. I got what I needed in ~1 hour. my BDK partied with a dps in the area. we each seemed to get one about every 5-10 minutes. again, in storm mode.

-do the torrential fragments last since there is a chance you could get a couple along the way

happy hunting