Thrall's story in War Within

So I finished the alpha, I was hoping to see some sort of questing regarding his journey to reconnect with the elements. To my surprise there wasn’t even a mention of this, not even a dialog.

Mean while we see Anduin refuse to use the light but ends up using it again. I am just worried that Blizzard isn’t even going to bother showing us anything for Thrall. Not only am I annoyed that they keep repeating the same thing. But they do not even bother to put any effort into it. He lost his powers but got them in shadowlands with side dialog? like it was even clear, now they are gone again and no mention or effort is shown in him trying to reconnect.

Blizzard your doing Thrall dirty, you took away his hammer, his powers and how your just putting him in a limbo.


They are in a loose loose situation. If thrall goes too much character building, “Metzin is back. Green Jesus has risen again. He’s the only important character. “


Golden and Danuser were running the show while most of the cinematics and such were planned, I fully expect it to be the Alleria & Anduin show for awhile


If they do not have an arc for Thrall than why take his powers away from him again. I am just so lost of what they are thinking at this point. They take Thrall put him between OP characters, while he is powerless and useless. To make it worse he is the only horde respective there.

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Thrall is Metzins baby so I’m not too concerned. All set up and story hooks point to Thrall having a central story and with Thrall and Jaina dipping out to come back with the max level campaign I would put money they take center stage in patch content. Similar to how MOP kicked off with the Bombing of Theramore but we didn’t get real jaina development until Landfall.

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Maybe Thrall could use a mysterious elemental artifact? Later it could pull him into a new plot. :memo::robot:

Let’s take in consideration the information we have about Thrall and Metzen.

  1. Thrall seemingly recovers his elemental powers in shadowlands, even assisted PCs in a raid (someone confirm that for me).

  2. Metzen returns to Blizzard and WoW story development sometime during Dragonflight, and left during legion, when Thrall was displaying the so called elemental issues.

  3. Cinematic and early beta spoilers show Thrall struggling with the elements, despite said issue being seemingly solved.

4)Apparently someone mentioned said beta stuff mentioning struggle with elements have been removed from the game?

It seems the Team is not exactly sure what to do, maybe Metzen wasnt fully aware of the developments Thrall had in SL, at the same time, maybe they’re just planning something else for his arc.


I can’t really fault Metzen for choosing to skip Shadowlands


That is kind of my concern, beta as far as I saw didn’t mention anything about him struggle with elements. They didn’t release a cinematic showing the issue, we also do not see thrall using any elements in any of the fights. If they want to tell this story gain go for it, but alteast make an effort to tell this story.

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I’m sure they want to tell A story with thrall. But idk, sometimes things take a while, it took 2 expansions to address and close the whole teldrassil thing after all.

Though i dont think this will be the case.

Thrall will probably have his issues solved and become an uber shaman by 11.2

Issue in the horde do not even seem to get addressed, lack of characters, lack of strong characters has been an issue since the end of mop.

Heck the forsaken still do not have a functioning capital, whom lost at the same time as teldrassil.


Well, we have to wait and see.

Undercity is just a matter of touching up the place, lorewise it has been recovered and cleaned of plague already, just need to be addressed in game.

We dont know where 11. 2 and possybly 11.3 will go.

ya lore wise it is being cleaned up if not cleaned up already. Would of been nice we got a patch worth of content like with NE but I would be fine if under city or upper city is fixed up in game.

They should build up the upper city to show that the forsaken are moving on from being stinky sewer corpses and are going to become proper people corpses.

(the less savory forsaken groups absolutely still chill in UC)


I’m sure Erevien has already said something to this affect somewhere in this thread.

But this is actually a case of Blizzard being Alliance-biased and not knowing what to do with the Horde save for making us villains and mindless followers. If they can’t make us either? Well, then they just ignore us.


I’m kind of resigned to TWW as another story told with Alliance characters. It’s okay though, because surely the next one, set in a subcontinent dominated by blood elves, trolls, and undead will drag some big name Hordies into the spotlight. Surely…

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Don’t hold your breath. I can picture them using alleria, unheroic, some night elf’s. On the underside watch them use Janina’s brother and art Jas’s sister.


I don’t have much hope for Midnight on the narrative side. I’m fully expecting them to have Alleria and Jaina come riding in to save the poor, widdle Blood Elves because their Sunwell got exploded… again… and the Nightborne were just too awestruck by Jaina’s awesomeness to do anything.