Thrall's connection to the elements (War Within Trailer)

The new trailer dropped, showcasing all the heroes in doubt as Xal narrates.
Thrall in particular seemed distressed and angry with his communion with the elements.
What do you think this represents? Does he still lack the deep connection to the elements from before? Does it simply show the elements are in turmoil again? Perhaps with no fire lord and trouble in the new expansion?
I know ingame they’ve already shown Thrall use shamanistic abilities again, but perhaps he still lacks the full might he used to control back in WoD?

The earth wave length you see faulters first out of the 3 streams. Perhaps this is foreshadowing Iridikron’s magnetic force disrupting the balance.

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I think its pretty obvious he’s dealing with some form of elemental impotency.

To say his expression is not unlike what one witnesses upon opening the Shaman forums is uncanny.


Yes his reestablished connection to the elements was never really addressed, so he could still have issues.
He’s had multiple occasions of using shaman elemental attacks ingame, but nothing major to show he’s back to full power.


I am wondering if the angle they are taking is in his darkest hour in Torghast, he asked for the help of the elements, and was met with silence. So, he cracked, a little, and went dark shaman awhile. He stopped asking and just took. Too much was at stake to think too hard about what he was doing.

Now he is working to recenter himself and never succumb to that temptation again.


I’m not going to do the enhancement shaman should dual wield joke again… but i wanted to.

Maybe he should just reroll.

Sometimes relationships end.

Nobundo was a paladin that became a shaman, maybe Thrall can find new calling.

Or… he will dual wield two hammers and go full enh shaman

they already made a 600 dollar statue of Thrall dualwielding Doomhammer and his frostwolf axe.
Could be foreshadowing for his own Thor moment.


I watched the trailer and immediately opened the forums to ask the same thing. You beat me to it haha

Interesting topic, excited to see the discussion

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My take is the elements are in turmoil again, like in Cata. Thrall reconnected with them in Shadowlands and was doing fine untill now.

With a plot of going deep underground and messing around with the planet’s beeps and bops is doomed to set the elements on the fritz.

The story team wouldn’t forget the plotpoint of Thrall regaining his powers in Thorgast…right?


I think the elements are in turmoil, and it may be foreshadowing Iridikron.
The earth colored resonating elemental wave pattern that faulters looks like the same sandy earth/magnetic frequency Iridikron is associated with.


Seems like he can’t keep it up

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That would be an interesting story beat I would not have seen coming for Thrall. I like it.

If it is this, its going to be irritating that there wasn’t more to signpost it in the giant elements expansion that featured almost no shamans in it outside of the enemy ranks


Maybe he has Elemental Dysfunction, maybe? :woozy_face:

Joking aside, maybe the problem is not even his connection it could be Azeroth and also din’t we kill off the Fire Lord? And Fyrakk absorbed its power, I think? Won’t that affect the elements and a Shaman’s connection?

If Xal’atath awakened in BfA, doomhammer could awaken at some point again.

Even more, maybe Thrall could get juiced up by whatever source the primal incarnates got juiced up. We seen those empowered shamans in the primalists, Thrall could do more, rival Primal incarnate in power.

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So kind of revive his world shaman role?
The second coming of green jesus?


Not as world shaman, but as the effect Nemesis for Iridikron.

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I do like how the different entwining elemental lines we see in today’s trailer is just like how they were depicted in Gul’dan’s harbinger short. Nice touch


Thrall forgot to forward his black aspect mail to Ebyssian and will be getting that powerup again, whoops

We have been on this story beat for 10 years btw.

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So much for faction balance, 4 alliance characters and 1 horde (who is frustrated and powerless)