Thrall = Thor

Thrall can never be as cool as Movie Thor, much less the actual Thor.


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Jaina indirectly gave Thrall a blessing to kill her father. Jaina would NOT kill Thrall and Rexxar.

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Yea…no. No one kills Rexxar.

If he had any inclination of being the warchief I’d want him in an instant.

Everyone forgets while Thrall was sitting around building orgrimmar it was Rexxar (me)doing all the footwork in the frozen throne expansions, in that weird little orc campaign they made

Just what we need, NuThrall to kill OldThrall

Thor wasn’t created by Marvel LMFAO…


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Nope, It would be very cringeworthy. Much like this post. Hopefully he goes back to Draenor and never returns. Tired of him.

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I hope the green pickle gets ganked, he was an awful warchief who cheated at Mak’gora.

After Legion with Odyn and all that, along with other related content from years past, I am gonna go ahead and say Thrall is not Thor or even Thor like. I know some people want him to be that cool, but its just a very very very long stretch.

I mean… its too late, he already did.

Might wanna learn your law mate because Marvel Studios still by law can sue Blizzard Entertainment if they outright copied Movie Thor, this can be backed up by Marvel Thors ownership as well if they saw fit to get involved.

Hmm,op,you might have something there with that connection,Thor lost his hammer and made his own later an axe.And I don’t believe he ever lost his power.

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They were testing the waters to see if people would like an rpg. I guess you could say it was successful

Been done already. Jaina turned up on a flying pirate ship and filled the field with ice. Such a cool world of warcraft entrance. Didnt need to copy marvel.

All that scene needed was some High energy guitar riff - maybe the opening few bars from Van Halen’s Panama - scantily clad beach-goers, and copious amounts of watered-down American Lager, and it would have been Azeroth’s first beer commercial.

Lordaeron Lager. From icy peaks of Alterac to your crypt floor, using only the finest hops from what’s left in Southshore. Please Scourge responsibly.

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Ill say it slower.

Marvel didnt invent Thor.

Please for the love of Odin. Learn to do research. They have this thing called Google…

Ok. I re read what you wrote. Sure. If Blizzard used the Chris Hemsworth/ comic likeness of Thor they may have a case untill someone reminds Marvel they stole Thor from Germanic Lore themselves.

But no one in this thread ever said Thrall was going to be turned into Chris Hemsworth… So again…IDK what youre talking about.

Endgame Spoiler

That hammer also ended up going to someone else.