In the distant, strange lands of the United States lives creatures some say don’t exist. Others say they hide in deep forests and shrouded mountains afraid of what humanity might do to them. But nay friend, we have found a better way of closing ourselves off from the outside world. We hide in basements and bedrooms, offices and…other rooms with computers playing… World of Warcraft. We are the Mystic Dragons.
We raid on a semi-casual 4 hrs a week (great for busy adults!), but pride ourselves on how much we get done in that time and we are currently 6/9M. Our goal is to push for CE each tier on that schedule. Although we may raid less hours, we make up for it in preparation and strategy. We have a very active discord that talks constantly during the day about life, WoW, and raid/M+ strats.
What to expect from us:
A rarely stressful and always fun raid environment
Players who always give it their all and who are willing to help others improve
A fair loot system that doesn’t prioritize officers
A solid and stable roster with active players
Food, phials, and pots provided for on raid nights
A strong guild support system: guild repairs, crafting needs, etc
Optional off-night events like alt raids and M+
A guild that understands you have a life outside of WoW
What we expect from you:
Be friendly & be accountable
Stay on top of your class’ changes and best builds
Remain cool, calm, and confident even during difficult prog fights
Focus on team success, not just individual success
Be open to feedback and advice to improve
Do keys/content to keep your main raid character raid-ready
Be prepared. Stay up to date with your upgrades and enchants
Watch videos or read guides on raid content so you don’t go in blind
Make yourself at home, integrate yourself with the guild and be communicative via discord
Current class primary raid needs, preferably 435+ ilvl:
1 Mistweaver or Resto Druid
1 of Mage/Warlock/Rogue/Warrior
If any of this sounds like it would be a good fit for you, come hop in our discord, check it out and feel free to talk to any of us in there if you have any questions. Discord info is below: