Limit one per purchase. Take that blazecycle scalpers.
Bought right away.
“Purchase the World of Warcraft Murloc Thrall 6.5" Plush through the Blizzard Gear Store and receive a digital code for an exclusive Murloc Thrall pet for use in World of Warcraft ("Game’); not eligible for use for any other game.
Available only to US customers (excludes Canada and Mexico), age 18 and over, with a valid US billing address. <<<<<<
Here we go again. Not avail to EU?
Upon redeeming pet, it asks what region with EU, KR, TW, and US (americas and Oceania).
Someone’s selling just the pet on eBay for $90, only in game pet though. eBay. US
Use of code(s), including redemption periods and availability, may be subject to additional terms.”
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Needs to be a Garrosh murloc so they can duke it out.
But would that just be thrall beating up his dad? 
Shoulda picked a better Orc to Murlocize, but still neat.
The digital pet is okay. That plush is cluttered, and neither huggable nor displayable. I’m not sure what the hell they were going for.
There have been way too much IRL promotions for in-game stuff lately. Hopefully its just cuz the 20th anniversary, but it feels like this might be a regular thing now.
Quite surprised we don’t have an Arthas Murloc
Not even, whatever shred of him was left faded away into nothing in shadowlands.
That kind of an ending to how great his character arc/story was from WCIII-Wotlk just made me mad. Same goes for how they ruined Uther.
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Man. Blizz making it expensive to be a pet collector 
The plushie is ugly as a wart on a dogs butt.
I bought it anyway lol
I can’t justify $35 for an in game pet and one of the ugliest plushes I’ve ever seen.
$46 actually. With tax & shipping. It’s cheap IMO.
Thanks to this post i just spent 140ish there counting shipping but yay thrallock
Ya know what I love in a plushie? Not being able to clearly have it sit up right because of how its structured.
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AND his armor is alliance blue
Just ugh all around
Seems funny how Metzen finally fused Thrall and Varian.
scalpers can bypass this thing look at the ps5 they did