Thrall got his Mojo back

Good because I don’t think I can tolerate sad, melancholy pathetic Thrall for another entire expansion.

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Here are some images of it happening, in case people doubt it (I did, so I tested it myself).


I guess they finally realized how pathetic they were making him look.


I honestly have to wonder if this could theoretically end up being a theme. Like Sylvanas and the Jailer captured and tortured Anduin, Baine, Thrall and Jaina thinking to break them down, but instead they’ll each come out of their respective torments at the top of their game and honed by the experience to better fight back.


Of course not all grand escapes might be to our benefit…

Imagine if Anduin succumbed to the Sha while breaking out… It would probably catch Sylvanas off guard…or cause her to mockingly tell Anduin that not even the Void rules forever and only Death is eternal so why fight the inevitable with Infinite Possibilities when you can embrace true oblivion!

Agreed. Those are 4 characters that definitely need it, Baine, Anduin and Thrall especially. There’s a minor trope in fiction where the longer a story goes on and the more characters in that story, the more individual characters start to believe the same things and behave the same way until they become one single unicharacter narratively speaking. It’s mostly noticeable in TV shows where an entire cast goes from being individual characters to becoming a Hive Mind where the group progresses from one scene to the next.

That’s what Jaina, Anduin, and the Honor Horde characters did throughout BfA so it would be good to have each character rediscover their individuality again.

When you have Jaina spouting lines that could have easily come from Anduin (“attacking the Zandalari in their time of mourning makes us no better than the Banshee queen”…Jaina you led that attack 5 seconds ago…that line was so bad even the dataminers originally attributed it to Anduin), or Baine indistinguishable from Thrall for who is the most pacifist Anduin fanboy, you know there’s a problem in the writing.


but that is what they did with Jaina and Tryanda.

Thrall wanted to be Aang.

The Horde needed Kyoshi

Blizzard gave us Korra.


You act like that’s a bad thing. She’s #2 on that list at least, maybe not stronger than Kyoshi. She tanked a spirit beam to the face and used it to tear a hole in reality.

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Eh, I prefer he gets his power, but not Earth Warder levels.

Korra is a terrible example for a character who is widely regarded as a Mary Sue. Even with some of the attempts to fix her character and make her more well liked; it only flopped on its head and caused a bigger rift between fans and the show. There are those who like Korra, but the general fan base of the Avatar universe collectively hate Korra.

Whether it was the Head Writer leaving the series, or some other crux that caused the rift. There’s a good bit of analysis videos that dive into Korra’s problems that all relate to how Korra is introduced to us right off the bat.


Thanks for clarifying! Brings up another question though, if someone who knows the answer can help me.

Are there elemental spirits in the Shadowlands? Most of the places we’ve travelled seem to have them, as they are created by the planets we walk upon. The Shadowlands, however, aren’t a “planet” per see, at least from what I’ve seen. As such, are there elemental spirits there to call upon, or do we bring some with us from Azeroth?

I never particularly saw her like that. It feels like a lot of the criticism is there because she’s not Aang, not because she’s bad in herself. The only part I’ll concede is a total mary sue out of nowhere bit of stupid writing is her turning into a blue giant in season 2, that season was garbage across the board.


Unless you frequent places that specially hate on Korra, the fanbase as I’ve seen was actually pretty fine with Korra as a whole. Not Aang levels naturally but not this circle jerk of hate that people assume. Facebook and Twitter are not good examples of this because of the aforementioned circle jerk-a-thon.

That being said, most do agree Season 2 was in fact a hot mess because that was when it became clear Nick was not actually going to give them money after paying them to make 3 more seasons lol


Like if you want to argue who got more of a mary sue treatment Aang got a convenient deus ex machina to neatly sidestep having to compromise his pacifist beliefs in the service of the world as was his duty. I don’t know, to me that’s not as spectacular an ending as it could have been.


Korra started off with a challenge to its fanbase intended to polarize it.
“I’m the avatar, and you gotta deal with it!”
Is there any surprise that it accomplished its mission?

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I never saw it like that. It was to establish she was a hothead who revels in being the Avatar in contrast to Aang.


It’s honestly always been a funny argument to me.

People call Korra a Mary Sue, but she is generally disliked by people who didn’t care that she was the Avatar, lost most of her most important fights, and by the time character development kicked in she was such a different person from the start that I’m confused if people even watched the show or just looked at the arrogant fat belly toddler and was like “this is her peak” lol.

Meanwhile, Aang was liked by just about everyone he met regardless of being the Avatar, won just about all his major fights either thru Airbending or Avatar State, then as mentioned Lion Turtled his way around having to compromise his morals. He certainly changed, but he went from a good natured but not dedicated boy to a good nature but dedicated young man. But he’s never considered anything but fantastic lol


Yeah, put it better than I could have. Most of her villains(lol Unalaq) are a hell of a lot more complex than the good vs evil of the fire nation in Last Airbender too. They give them some token good guys in people like Iroh and Zuko but on the whole they’re this monolithic evil for the good guys to defeat.

Korra is cool.

Season 2 Korra was just really bad.

On the topic of Thrall getting his mojo back.

I’m just more impressed by the idea that the elements exist even on the shadowlands.


This is why goblin shamans are the best shamans because they can also have no self-esteem but still have powers since their contracts with the elements are ink-and-paper contracts. Thrall just needs to take some business classes at Orgrimmar night school.