Destined for Glory is an AOTC semi hard-core focused guild. We are looking to expand for players who enjoy Mythic+, and Raiders (DPS, Healers and back-up Tanks). Raid times are Thursday & Friday 9-11pm server time (EST). We are 8/9 Heroic
If you are open-minded, enjoy pushing your character (and self) in a team environment, are open to learning and feedback, come join our current roster of great friends conquering Azeroth together!
Most of us who have been playing this game since Vanilla/BC. If you are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic, mature environment to complete end-game content in a timely fashion then we are the place for you.
Raz#1731 - Razus#1731
Bnet: Xzthia#1973
Lyxx#11603 BNET / Lyxx#0393 Discord