Thrall and Jaina

In an AU where thrall never got with orc lady, and Jaina n ever got with dragon boy what do you think would’ve happened? Garrosh named successor so they can live their life together and raise half-orc babies but garrosh mana-bombs Theramore. The man who elected Garrosh as his successor dictator warchief was thrall her husband and father to their young children.

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Um, I rather not…


…no. Not just no, but hell no.


Oh wow, what happened next? Tell us more.

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Don’t egg it on lol.

Ugh… this sounds like some really bad fan fic.


That’s what I want to know!

Let’s not…even the power of ‘Still a better Love story than Twilight’ Has its limits…

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they hinted at it a lot in wrath but killed it so thrall would have an orc wife.


What about Amy Schumer and Seth Rogan?

Eh, even my brain has its limits.,

“Some people in Theramore speculate that Jaina’s relation with Thrall has taken salacious turn. Some outspoken political opponents are on the verge of accusing Jaina of miscegenation.”

  • World of Warcraft RPG, pg. 55

Do what you want with it.

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Throw it into the fiery pit. Not all ideas are good ones. Lol

Jaina never would get with Thrall.

He’s too unambitious.

Beware the chicken of the sea.

Shippers ruin everything even when they don’t get what they want.

Shippers to me are the guys who make ships.

No they’re the people who put thinks on ships to be transported across sea.

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Come sail away.
Come sail away.
Come sail away with me.

Sounds like a painful relationship…

How about AU where Alliance does all those “evil” things gets villain batted, Horde gets to kill a few AU Alliance leaders and AU Horde get the main focus of the story… Then…

I can’t I just don’t have it in me to Troll, not sure how people can have that energy, it’s so tiring…lol joking aside it be interesting as a Bronze Dragon Time side quest… AU Thrall being push on the edge would be a very scary thing… if he turn into a Dark Shaman…IMO.

Other than that I rather not… My Horde friends had had enough villain batting.