For players whose bis Lego is crafted on belt may have wasted gold on an expensive base item because the Zereth Mortis legendary is also on the belt slot. The most recent ptr changes made the belt easily accessible after just completing the story vs the memory (for other equipment slots) is only accessible after a rep grind.
I guess we will need to refund our belt slot? It’s either refund and waste the base item or farm rep for weeks while everyone else gets 2 legos way before you. Thoughts?
Suck it up. It’s been known for quite a while that the belt was going to be the slot. You have (and had) ample time to price out and/or work on getting a replacement made.
I mostly just stopped playing Shadowlands. They are tossing out systems inside of the Expac…
As far as crafting new Legos for another slot you can always just go with the lowest/cheap option and not bother fully upgrading since stat wise its not a huge differance. Few hundred dps is whatever if you dont want to min max.
Farming the same item twice, what exciting gameplay!
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I wish I had never recrafted my kegsmash leggo from gloves to belt, but what can you do?
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I use a legendary belt right now.
I don’t care that the Cinch of Unity is a belt slot.
Because in order to upgrade my current belt’s ilvl, I have to replace it with a higher ilvl one anyway.
We replace gear every single tier. I’ve never understood why people are clutching their pearls that we do it with legendaries, too.
This always amuses me with people , a belt is a belt , a helm is a helm . It doesnt matter one bit if it has teh same name with higher stats or one with a completly different name --you are still farming the same item .
You can hit the rep needed before the chapter 7 releases…do zm dailies alone will have you at revered within 28 days - add all the extra stuff that rewards rep and reduce it to sub 20 days.
Did you need a refund when upgrading from 1 to 2?
Did you need a refund when upgrading from 2 to 3?
Did you need a refund when upgrading from 3 to 4?
Did you need a refund when upgrading from 4 to 6?
Then why do you suddenly need a refund when making a 7? Because making a 7 is exactly the same as upgrading to a 7.
You’re complaining about the base item.
Upgrading belt from 6 to 7 = You need a rank 7 base item.
Creating a new legendary in another slot at 7 = You need a rank 7 base item.
There’s. No. Difference.
Stormstout’s Last Keg just has terrible slot options because it’s either a belt or it takes the place of a tier piece in 9.2.
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There’s also the consolation prize that all 4 of Brewmaster’s covenant legendaries are trash.
So who really cares?
Well, aren’t you just a bundle of joy? I like the keg smash lego. It smooths out my rotation.
You mean Stormstout’s? Sure, it’s great.
I was talking about the covenant legendaries. You know, like the Necrolord one that gives you a low proc chance to cast bonedust brew.
The covenant legendaries that nobody uses because they’re awful.
Those legendaries.