Thoughts on zereth mortis Legendary belt slot for Arms

(Remade this thread in general bc arms aren’t the only players who will be affected by this)

BiS arms legendary Enduring Blow is usually crafted on belt. But the Zereth Mortis legendary is also on the belt slot. The most recent ptr changes made the belt accessible after completing story vs the memory only accessible after exalted rep grind.

I guess we will need to refund our belt slot when we finish the 9.2 story and it’s time to wear the belt? What a waste of an expensive base item!

Just craft the covenant legendary on a different slot and keep your Enduring Blow belt. Problem solved.

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So keep enduring blow on belt and rep grind for weeks while everyone else who doesn’t use belt slot already wears 2 legendaries, problem definitely not solved.

Unless something has changed and I’m unaware, both the belt and memory are given to you when you complete chapter 7 of the story. Neither requires a rep grind.

Also, unless you plan to keep your Enduring Blow at rank 6, you’ll need to buy/craft a rank 7 vessel anyways. @55 seconds shows vendor with revered requirement.

I’ve got enduring belt legendary on. And have already crafted 265 the covenant neck legendary in preparation. It’s sitting in my bank waiting on the unlock now.

Interpretation is still all we have, the assumption is that the change to the belt being from chapter 7 also includes the memory since both were revered prior; it’s still the PTR, things come in bits and pieces sometimes.

Is the belt the only way you can equip 2? Can you equip 2 without the belt?

Buy the memory to learn it for any slot but the memory takes revered with the new faction as of now on the PTR. This is after the PTR making the belt accessible for finishing the quest line.