Thoughts on WoW Token in Wrath Classic

Lots of people are buying it so the community must want it.


If it is easy to sustain your gold, why are there so many bot??
Because there is one part of the game that causes an extreme demand for gold.

Prohibit GDKPs!

People spending 100k+ gold on items that they will replace is where this demand for gold is coming from. This is the source of the most egregious RMT.

Banning GDKPs would kill the RMT trade and reduce bots to manageable levels.

Adding tokens is completely out of line with the spirit of classic.
It will inflate things. It completely makes many parts of the game obsolete. Working the AH. Doing dailys.
And GDKP bids will get higher. There will be more demand for gold. And bots will have a market, where they can undercut the token.

This is not a decision I will pay to support. I will no longer support Blizzard or play any of their games again. The company has completely lost the plot.


just be honest and say that you needed to find a way to monetize the classic audience. literally nobody believes that you are actually taking action against bots. Theres reports that its in the korean version of the game too, which does not have bots. Why do they have it if theres not an issue?

I think we all know why.

p.s. I play retail, and you dont do anything there either, I have reported the same rmt spammer for weeks, and hes still in trade spamming away.


Think of the outcry banning gdkps would have, the wow token is nothing comparatively.

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Just be honest instead of lying. This isn’t about beating RMT, this is about making up lost money. Saying you want to just milk as much money as possible is more respectable than “token combats RMT” lies.


It really is simple, I paid $15 a month to play a finished/solved re-release of a game from my past. The game is finished - you aren’t actively developing wrath, you aren’t coding ToGC and ICC, so I assumed that $15 went to upkeep of the game and to deliver the best possible re-release of the game to us - the customers who pay you. This includes things like banning bots and gold buyers/sellers - you know, things explicitly against your very own ToS - the literal bare minimum you had to do, but apparently you weren’t making enough off of our $15 a month to do this and wanted a piece of the gold selling pie instead? Millions of dollars a month, again for a FINISHED GAME, wasn’t enough to pay to actually fix the problem and you just said fk it and drop sanctioned and official literal RMT on us. Luckily its just a video game and we are free to stop paying for goods and services we no longer deem worth the money.

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You had the chance to nip this in the bud early; permaban for gold buying, ban gdkps, develop more robust trade history tracing. Instead you said that the sellers were the only ones to blame and went after them, and even begged the community to police for bots for you.

I’m excited in that cataclysm is the first time that the actual wow team had a big miss, and your subscriber count will show that. I miss OG blizz… gameplay first and all that.


heavy as a feather I’m sure

that’s true for TBC and WoTLK as well…

how does a token address any of these? it can actually contribute in some cases

according to Blizzard, you rely heavily on player reports. that’s some dark ages stuff right there

for the outcomes we’re talking, I really hope this is handled by one engineer in his/her spare time

that’s the spirit

Obviously lip service. More likely that the people (like yourself) that actually work on the game knew what this would cause and actively fought against it, but have now lost to the executives who control your paycheck. But I guess we can’t know for sure.

oh, nvm. I guess we do know for sure


Unacceptable from a classic perspective. You claim to be banning about a half million accounts a month. Wow in its heyday had 12 million subscribers those numbers don’t near add up as your almost certainly not gaining a half million new subs a month. Your team isn’t doing their job properly if botting has become such an issue and you’re just letting the same actors create or steal thousands of accounts every day.



I’ll just quote my CC post:

Guess I was wrong, it was Kaivax they asked, not Aggrend.

and because of this, you should never even have thought about adding the WoW token on Classic ever, period.

No, they are telling you to permaban the gold buyers, not to “just ban the bots”.
You know what’s visible to us? The fact that you give a slap on the wrist to gold buyer when they get caught by giving them a very short temporary ban.

I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand for Blizzard who’s been in this business for decades when it’s so obvious to everyone else… Bots exists because there is a demand for it. Remove or severely hurt that demand and there will be less of them. It’s not a hard concept to grasp. Make a public spectacle of gold buyers, permaban them and announce it for the world to see and I can guarantee you people will stop buying gold and without people buying gold, 99% of the bots will be gone.

Edit: Also, I know your post is a lie.
The real reason was executives wants money. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.


2 things here:

  1. Almost all account thefts are in some way the fault of the user who got their account stolen not taking proper steps to secure it. Bad passwords, re-used passwords, not using multi-factor authentication, etc.
  2. Before someone ever logs in, how can you tell that it’s going to be a bot account and not a genuine new user?
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Nice update :pinched_fingers:

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A lot of hate in the comments.
I do, however, think it was for the good of the game.


Hey maybe you can use some of this money to hire some actual customer service


This is meaningless. All it would have taken is perma-banning one buyer and announcing it. The bots and sellers have nothing to lose. Banning and removing them is a losing game of whack-a-mole.

Blizzard chose not to fix the problem.


It is funny but the HC addon (and possibly the upcoming HC official server) totally defeat gold rmt.


How was it good for the game when it was never in the game?


I told you folks since prior to the rehost launch to put in the token. Why? Because we’ve been down this road before. In the original game I learned that gold trading needed an official option and kept telling you to create one. It took years for you to FINALLY do it. Now with classic you decided to unlearn what you have learned and took until halfway through game # 3 to relearn it. I remembered the lessons of the past. You folks apparently forgot most of them.

Why is the token important? It should have been in that giant wall of text, but it really isn’t. The reason the token is important is because it gets Blizzard the gold trading revenue instead of third parties which don’t contribute anything to the game except to fund more bots we’re trying to get rid of. I would argue that the OFFICIAL DEVELOPER OF THE GAME should have revenue that rightfully belongs to it, not a third party that seeks only to cheat and steal from players on it. I just explained it yet again, and didn’t need a wall of text with countless paragraphs to do so.


Put it in Era Blizz.