I’ll just quote my CC post:
Guess I was wrong, it was Kaivax they asked, not Aggrend.
and because of this, you should never even have thought about adding the WoW token on Classic ever, period.
No, they are telling you to permaban the gold buyers, not to “just ban the bots”.
You know what’s visible to us? The fact that you give a slap on the wrist to gold buyer when they get caught by giving them a very short temporary ban.
I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand for Blizzard who’s been in this business for decades when it’s so obvious to everyone else… Bots exists because there is a demand for it. Remove or severely hurt that demand and there will be less of them. It’s not a hard concept to grasp. Make a public spectacle of gold buyers, permaban them and announce it for the world to see and I can guarantee you people will stop buying gold and without people buying gold, 99% of the bots will be gone.
Edit: Also, I know your post is a lie.
The real reason was executives wants money. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.