Thoughts on the proposed shadow changes

Unfortunately Kyrian is actually looking worse than it was before because we won’t have Void Bolt to fill the gaps during Ascended Blast’s cooldown. Spamming Ascended Nova single target doesn’t really feel that great (and requires you to be in melee).

It also doesn’t proc Dark Thoughts, which just needs to be buffed anyway.

All of the abilities really aren’t that great. Necrolords is probably the best general usage ability if we count out the meme build that Night Fae might bring us. However Venthyr has the best soulbinds.

The Unholy Nova that we get from the Necrolords also forces us to stay in the melee range.
Am I missing something?

I still don’t trust the Night Fae’s ability.
It is very similar to how paladins ability worked and they will probably change it in the future.

Honestly, aesthetically, I want to be as far away from the Necrolords as possible.
I am tired of bones, spikes, green colors, etc.

I didn’t study Soulbinds and Conduits very well, but Venthyr seems better to me because of the priest’s lack of mobility.

Nope, not missing anything. It’s just better than spamming ascended nova because it’s a fire and forget that deals decent damage and has strong healing attached to it as well. Being forced into melee range is a problem regardless of the ability.

I do not like the Night Fae ability for Priest. Love the plate mog though, probably just gonna go Night Fae on my Paladin for the mog. Since I dont plan on playing my Paladin in Shadowlands my covenant choice doesn’t matter.

I also don’t like the Necrolord aesthetic. Their soulbinds also kinda suck. Kyrian is by far my favorite aesthetic, even for shadow.

Mindgames from Venthyr needs to be more reliable and needs to do more damage especially considering the cooldown. But the mobility on a priest is quite appealing.

unholy nova is 1 gcd every minute, ascendant form takes you out of your main rotation for 10 seconds. Also ascendant nova has an 8 yard range when unholy nova is 15 yards.

You know what occurs to me…

Power Infusion is coming back. And I know a lot of us aren’t super keen on the idea of it but I was thinking… What if they changed it into Lust/Heroism? Leave it the same name, but have it apply to everyone and have the Sated debuff.

This could give Holy/Disc some much needed utility in M+ to make them a little more desirable.

Just a random thought. What do you guys think?

Its an idea, ill give you that lol.

Personally I am not a fan of it. But I guess technically it could work in that fashion.

I just prefer it to be removed.
Let Shadow have VF as a DPS CD and let Holy and Disc have PI.
Then at that point the Legendary that currently affects PI should be changed to a Disc and/or Holy legendary only or removed.

That’s my opinion.


Instead, I think they should make a Priest class Legendary that affects Power Word: Shield since we all use it.

Make it so lets see…

Casting PW:S on an ally grants you a shield as well? Grants you a passive shield with 50% absorb amount?

All I got so far.

The kind of utility that is valuable in M+ is much more specific than people realize.

If you want to run high keys, you likely are bringing Drums of Battle (heroism), fortitude, intellect, and attack power scrolls if you don’t have those classes.

That means classes with heroism aren’t really bringing utility, they’re bringing 5% haste for 40 seconds every 10 minutes. The classes with buffs are bringing +2% stamina, intellect, or attack power.

By contrast, Demon Hunters are bringing +5% magic damage, and monks are bringing +5% physical damage. Perhaps the most valuable utility for M+ is an AOE stun on a short cooldown (ex. DH Chaos Nova, Monk Spinny Kick), allowing you to shutdown a lot of tank damage, group damage, or avoid mechanics entirely, and regularly.

So if we’re going to get M+ CC, I’d really like it to either be our oldschool “Misery” passive, which was the original +5% magic damage taken debuff, that Shadow uniquely had before Demon Hunters were added to the game. Or, Mind Bomb should be an AOE stun again.

Either of those would be great for Shadow in M+!


I think Blizz needs to either get rid of LotV to put old Void Form to bed once and for all or turn it into a passive (maybe like a shadow form upgrade talent?) that trades burst cooldown for mobility or something like that.

If it were up to me Voidform would have been a talent. Trade Devouring Plague for Voidform with 20% haste baked in instead of the +damage.


Or bring back Dominate Mind as a talent as make it usable on a vast array of mobs. With that and Shackle Undead, we can nullify 2 targets with 2 HARD CC abilities and make one of those 2 fight on our side and provide buffs etc. It would basically be Warlocks Enslave Demon but for a humanoid and not as powerful as it wont last long etc.

Dominate Mind would be huge. It is worth noting that I am seeing more undead mobs this expac compared to BfA, so shackle will gain some value.

Also, AFAIK drums were nerfed to 15%, which is a buff to hero as group utility.


They should allow Voidbolt outside of Voidform, but have it cost insanity. Allows us to avoid capping insanity while retaining the ability to extend our dot length and give us some movement/run-n-gun capability.