Thoughts on the legs variants for Updated T2

I’m actually liking the pants version of the Ten Storms set, but I’m kinda ambivalent towards the others.

judgement set with pants is pure heresy


These have to be unfinished. No reason all skirt sets get coat psntsuit like pieces snd THE MOST ICONIC IMPORTSNT T2 gets these simple looking legs. It needs to be like a coat and share the same designs from the upper body armor

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They should do that for all sets.

Stop forcing Warlocks to wear dresses!

Though that’s much of a non-issue for me since they added Hide Chest and Hide Pants. I’m yet to find any chestpieces or pants that are preferable to the modesty swimsuits :smiley:

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They were all fine

Then paladin pants

Oh gods those are bad

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In the case of the paladins, they look shockingly cheap and don’t match the armour.

Controversial opinion: While I like the updates? The design of the original T2 paladin is stronger than the remake. When you look at them side by side, it has more ‘oomph’. The pants remove even more of that from the set and make it pretty generic.

I will say I think giving people a pant/robe option is good. I wish monks had this in reverse - I like monk robes as a healer!

i agree if you do that set with pants only you should hang up that paladin lol

I don’t see that listed. But if it does exist, I think it’s awesome. Edited, because now that I see it, my god it looks awful. LOL

Also: I think the rest are all great options!

Where is the paladin set? Nevermind! Myth linked it. :dracthyr_heart:

Thank you! And damn… everyone else did get cool looking pants except for paladins. :rofl:

we know lol its like the burger king crown allover again lol

Time to start looking at alternative pants already. :rofl:

Options are never a bad thing.

hunter set needs a recolor… ugh

lol see what i mean…heresy of such a high order that we need a crew of space marines to purge it from existence…for the emperor!

My poor Paladin is over here like…

ya those are gross. you’d absolutely use a different set of legs if you wanted to go without the plate skirt. There are a lot of red/black/gold pieces.

The priest pants actually look kind of lame to me, but I do think they’re better than the robe. But that’s more because I think that type of armor sucks in general in WoW. If robes got a rigging update to look more natural I’d probably like them a lot more.

lol i am playing as Vlka Fenryka heavy and bulwark in that game lol

Loving the pantsuits. They’re all awesome, with the exception of Judgement which is quite clearly incomplete. Right now those are leggings, not pants.

The Judgement pants aren’t complete. They don’t follow the same theme as the rest of the pantsuits. No adornments on the hips, colours don’t match. Definitely incomplete.

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