I know I am a bit late, and I know this is the WOW forums but oh well. I really liked the FFXVI demo coming from someone who hardly touched an FF series. I’ve only touched three FF games which: were World of Final Fantasy, Strangers of Paradise, FFXIV, and I think there was another one not sure. But wow, FFXVI is really good so far definitely way different. Hope the full game is as good as the demo.
I bought the full expansion without playing the demo because people talked up the game so much.
I had never been so bored in my entire life. It was a cross between reading a boring poorly written political novel and an errand running simulator.
But that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to enjoy it. You just asks for thoughts.
What? I am so lost, what full expansion?
He is saying FF16 not FF14. He is referring to the demo of the upcoming game releasing next week.
My thoughts on the game is as follows as someone who has played the final fantasy series for well over 25 years. It feels like it is catering to a new audience(not a good or bad thing) and ill give the demo a try tomorrow but not entirely sure it will be for me yet since i don’t really play action combat games that often.
Oh I see I didn’t realize there was a new release
Yeah. There’s a new FF game in development that is going to be released here next week on thursday
I hope someone makes a high fantasy realistic looking turn based RPG where you can control the whole party and choose everyone’s actions.
I don’t like FF action RPG stuff. That’s why I haven’t seriously played a FF game since X other than XIV. I get that they’re trying to “evolve,” I just wish they did it through a new franchise.
…Not to be that sort, but this is why i dislike Hype.
I’m a fan of the early final fantasy games and that style of RPGs but they have moved away from that so I don’t pay attention to them much anymore. It’s been a long time.
Last time I was excited for a FF was 13. And I hated that game with a passion. The demo got me from meh to preorder.
Yeah, I’ve never been excited for an FF game. So, I hope I’m not excited for no reason.
i realise that i might be the only person here that played Valkyrie Elysium, but i think this game and ff16 have exact same core combat down to small mechanics.
I think it looks magnificent but I am a longtime fan of FF.
It’s weird the more mature themes I was talking about for WoW… feels like it ended up in a game that was not known for as mature content. (Kingdom Hearts prime example of this…) Sorry I don’t feel like any FF content was as ever dark humor or fantasy as WoW. Maybe some dark tidbits here and there but… darkest thing I could think of is in one of the games a water supply was poisoned in a town and a man lost his family over it. Visuals of dead bodies/sprites everywhere and grief.
Anyways I think it loots interesting, Torgal looked super kawaii as a pup, (demo) Music seems pretty grandeur which is expected with FF. Lots of things look amazing.
I just don’t pre-order anymore for video games. Cyberpunk 2077 debacle was the last straw.
I hope it does well and I also hope it does well in a territory that doesn’t feel as familiar for the franchise. Again Kingdom Hearts. (Which I never played any of those… yup even the first one released back in 2002. Almost 20 years ago… Never had any interest… ) I don’t think there has ever been a rated M one beforehand.
someone makes a post about the lore behind alexstraza, back when the only dragon with dialogue was deathwing, and its instantly flagged.
make a post completely unrelated to the game
write some stuff down in ur diary
talk about a different game entirely, and you’re fine.
I think it has nothing to do with World of Warcraft.
Apparently the same guy that voices Lorath in diablo 4 is in that game. So when I was watching Maximilian Dood play d4 last night, almost every 20 seconds someone would come in and ask “Yo is that Cid?” lol
Your thread belongs over here Latest Off-Topic/Games, Gaming and Hardware topics - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Otherwise it is just spam.
I will play it when/if it comes out on PC.
Even though I am a big fan of FFXIV and Yoshida himself, I just can’t bring myself to supporting Sony by purchasing their consoles. Sony started this whole exclusives war that there is between consoles, so f-them.
I highly doubt it’ll ever be on PC. It didk’t even come to PS4. Once it’s on PS then it@: never coming to PC. Unless its been there for a few years. But a lot of times it won’t. Unfortunately